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Compassionate Conservatism at its finest hour


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Looks like one of our own is making some news, its a shame. He should take a farewell tour of DC cause he will get voted out:




He got strong armed somehow. Changed his mind the day after he had a ride on Air Force 1.

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This is the problem with debating. People only become more entrenched in their views. I, for one, am so completely sick of hearing people label each other. It's not just the dems who do this. Whoever said that earlier in the thread proved this. It's both shitty ass fuckin parties who purposely set out to split our nation, cause confusion, and foster lies. What better way to is there to convolute the situation and take advantage of the people's confusion. I'm not a democrat, republican, politician, etc.


I'm a fucking American.

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This is the problem with debating. People only become more entrenched in their views. I, for one, am so completely sick of hearing people label each other. It's not just the dems who do this. Whoever said that earlier in the thread proved this. It's both shitty ass fuckin parties who purposely set out to split our nation, cause confusion, and foster lies. What better way to is there to convolute the situation and take advantage of the people's confusion. I'm not a democrat, republican, politician, etc.


I'm a fucking American.


Our planet will never further evolve intellectually until we can all get along regardless of our political and religious beliefs. Now I really want to see fucking Americans flying in space at warp speeds anal probing. This will never happen with people crying about wanting handouts, AND people on the opposite side crying about the people who are already crying.


I wish people would agree to disagree and help others truly in need. And I also wish the lazy ones would get up off their ass and do something positive, at least something positive for their country.

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I'll just leave this here...




Also, video. Two parts.





Mr. Obama's response: "By the time the vote has taken place, not only will I know what's in it, you'll know what's in it, because it's going to be posted and everybody's going to be able to evaluate it on the merits."


Yeah, he just admitted he doesn't know whats in the bill.

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