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that's why u get a phone with a touch screen that also has a physical keyboard an a track balls so u don't HAVE to use the touch screen.




My phone has no touchscreen. I just hate having people ask me to fix their phone, when I have no idea how to navigate the motherfucker, use t-9, or use their fucking touchscreen smudge 'n pray keyboard.

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depends on which one, there are some garbage ones. but there are also some real good ones too!


Yup. I hate the ones, like the envy touch or whatever the hell its called, which basically has a flexible plastic screen over another screen. So you have to basically bend the first one for it to recognize anything.

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I just wanna give a big fuck you to whatever idiot invented this "technology". If this becomes the de jour standard for all new phones im going to be one pissed off motherfucker.


Are you retarded ?


Touchscreens work great if you are not mentally challenged, especially with the new PCT screens in any modern phone.

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Capacitive multi-touch screens offer a much more elegant solution to UI, when mating the UI to a complex OS. Gesture and Touch will likely only be displaced by brain-wave interpreters. At last ... no smudges.
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I am not going to lie I only use my touch screen keyboard for one thing, sexting. Otherwise physical keyboard ftw.


Gabe hit me up on sms in about 3 hours and we can talk about what you are wearing.

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Capacitive multi-touch screens offer a much more elegant solution to UI, when mating the UI to a complex OS. Gesture and Touch will likely only be displaced by brain-wave interpreters. At last ... no smudges.


Brain wave is a welcome compromise as opposed to some donut glaze smudged touchscreen, and trying to configure ActiveSync with said screen.

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No one in this thread resisted a touch screen as much as I did. I love(ed) my BlackBerry 8800 for years and it's still an excellent phone. I never thought I would ever get used to an iPhone and it's screen.


Fuck, I broke down and bought a new 3Gs and must say that it's way better than my BB ever was. Took all of about 1 day to get used to firing off emails and texts from it.


No....this is not Ben posting.

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Sounds like we have a bunch of greasy ass people on here. I've never had a problem with smudges. I'll be eating fast food while using the phone with no problems.


I'm Puerto Rican. It helps us not only repel water, but makes us faster swimmers.

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