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For Cinergi (Greg)


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Hey Scott. Hope all is well in the land of sandboxes.


Normally it can be 6 - 8 weeks. It all depends on what you want though. Sometimes they have half-way finished products from orders that were cancelled, etc. Depending on how custom you want it, they should be fairly quick. This is the first year where WC has their own line of frames they made themselves, so they not relying on others for supply. I would hope that would expedite their turnIaround. Most of their CQB guns I got within a 3 day to 5 week period of time. Greg @ Wilson knows me well and often bumped me to the top of the list when I asked.... I could probably still put the good word in. Because of their own in-house ability now, they should be fit and finished better. These are all my assumptions, though. Haven't laid hands or eyes on one yet.


What are you looking for?


I finally got the "in" to get myself a fine Kings Gun Works.... they'll pretty much make it for me on demands, but it will be up to a three year build time.


Here's some disdain for thought for the country club up north... the good word has it they are now selling IO's and High Points. Heard this from a couple sources... Just another reason to wonder what is really going on up there since they don't have anyone who can really push proper products.


I would probably order a Wilson via Scottsdale and have it shipped to an FFL out this side of the Mississippi River. Let me know how I can help and I will do it.


Stay safe and shoot straight!

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How you doing, Mang?

Doing good, it's a bit different than I expected, but never the less I seem to be the only one prepared for the spring thaw in the mountains. Finally getting commo with the outside world is pretty damn nice.


Hey Scott. Hope all is well in the land of sandboxes.


Normally it can be 6 - 8 weeks. It all depends on what you want though. Sometimes they have half-way finished products from orders that were cancelled, etc. Depending on how custom you want it, they should be fairly quick. This is the first year where WC has their own line of frames they made themselves, so they not relying on others for supply. I would hope that would expedite their turnIaround. Most of their CQB guns I got within a 3 day to 5 week period of time. Greg @ Wilson knows me well and often bumped me to the top of the list when I asked.... I could probably still put the good word in. Because of their own in-house ability now, they should be fit and finished better. These are all my assumptions, though. Haven't laid hands or eyes on one yet.


What are you looking for?


I finally got the "in" to get myself a fine Kings Gun Works.... they'll pretty much make it for me on demands, but it will be up to a three year build time.


Here's some disdain for thought for the country club up north... the good word has it they are now selling IO's and High Points. Heard this from a couple sources... Just another reason to wonder what is really going on up there since they don't have anyone who can really push proper products.


I would probably order a Wilson via Scottsdale and have it shipped to an FFL out this side of the Mississippi River. Let me know how I can help and I will do it.


Stay safe and shoot straight!


Sweet! I've been wanting to do a CQB Elite possibly, but I like the no frills CQB. I figure since the shitty health care bill got through those commies on the hill, our 2nd Amendment Rights could always be next on the chopping block. I plan to pick up a few Sig's aswell, mostly a 220 and a 226 to start things off. You'd be amazed at the amount of Sigs running around on officer's hips. I'll be home in September for mid-tour leave, so I'll get with you for lunch or something. Maybe you can help me with my to buy list when I get in. I'll post up some pics of my daily toys here shortly aswell :cool:


FYI, if you're interested in contract jobs Flour Daniels is the new KBR over here, and Dyna Corp is also taking apps for hired guns.

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