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Lordy, the reviews are bad for the Camangi on Amazon, though very mixed on the archos.


I am sure we will see a wealth of new "tablets" coming out, thanks to apple making the tablet "cool" again. Ill wait to get something that suits my needs in btween a laptop and a desktop, not to mention, second gen of this will have more features im sure, but still not have flash, making it another reason to avoid this if you are going to use this for couch surfing.


Ill stick with my iphone. ;)

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One of the things it is stirring up in my industry is the hyper-inflated price points of in wall touch panels. 5 years ago AMX and Crestron could justify 5-15k for a wall panel that controlled the lights, shades, A/V, etc. Now that the iPhone/iPad has more processing power, is more dynamic, and can still do everything the above panels do, moving these panels has become nearly impossible.


Many of them have already developed iPhone application packages that allows us to create custom interfaces and the assumption is that the iPad will be no different. Chuck a few of the WiFi devices in custom wall docks around the house and you have 10 10" touch panels for the price of one a half-decade ago.


Hand-held devices controlling your home is around the corner.

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I just can't justify a iPad or an Archos. I can get a tablet pc with touch screen and digital stylus for around $500. If I want larger and better hardware then $900 for an awesome system. It is just stupid to spend the same amount of money and have less options.
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doubt verizon will work with it. But it has wifi. I think its friggen awesome. Only downside is if you drop it, i think It'll have the same result as an iPhone on its first fall.






I drop by iPhone all the freaking time. I don't even have any scratches on the screen.

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I just can't justify a iPad or an Archos. I can get a tablet pc with touch screen and digital stylus for around $500. If I want larger and better hardware then $900 for an awesome system. It is just stupid to spend the same amount of money and have less options.



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no flash = no care.


also, i haven't used it so i can't say this for sure, but i imagine trying to type on the screen of something that is completely flat while trying to see what you're typing would be very difficult.


Everyone is dropping flash in favor of HTML5 anyway...

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One of the things it is stirring up in my industry is the hyper-inflated price points of in wall touch panels. 5 years ago AMX and Crestron could justify 5-15k for a wall panel that controlled the lights, shades, A/V, etc. Now that the iPhone/iPad has more processing power, is more dynamic, and can still do everything the above panels do, moving these panels has become nearly impossible.


Many of them have already developed iPhone application packages that allows us to create custom interfaces and the assumption is that the iPad will be no different. Chuck a few of the WiFi devices in custom wall docks around the house and you have 10 10" touch panels for the price of one a half-decade ago.


Hand-held devices controlling your home is around the corner.


A/V/home control was my first thought when I saw the iPad. The only reason I'd get one would be to mount on a wall, or place on the coffee table so I could control shit without getting up.

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A/V/home control was my first thought when I saw the iPad. The only reason I'd get one would be to mount on a wall, or place on the coffee table so I could control shit without getting up.


Sony does make "learning" remotes starting at $60ish and going up to $400-500. You point your existing remote right at the Sony one and it "learns" all the options. You then have 1 remote for anything and everything.

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A/V/home control was my first thought when I saw the iPad. The only reason I'd get one would be to mount on a wall, or place on the coffee table so I could control shit without getting up.


Car PC was my first thought. Maybe get a GPS attachment for it and you are set.

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Sony does make "learning" remotes starting at $60ish and going up to $400-500. You point your existing remote right at the Sony one and it "learns" all the options. You then have 1 remote for anything and everything.


I was thinking more along the lines of a HTPCish type of thing.

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I was thinking more along the lines of a HTPCish type of thing.


Oh boy.


Bottom line you can not spend a lot and build an x86 machine. They even sell all the parts plus the tiny box cases at microcenter. ORRRR you can buy an overpriced mac mini or iPad. Your choice.

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Oh boy.


Bottom line you can not spend a lot and build an x86 machine. They even sell all the parts plus the tiny box cases at microcenter. ORRRR you can buy an overpriced mac mini or iPad. Your choice.


Didn't say I was gonna buy one. It's just what I thought of when I saw it. :p

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Sony does make "learning" remotes starting at $60ish and going up to $400-500. You point your existing remote right at the Sony one and it "learns" all the options. You then have 1 remote for anything and everything.


Universal remotes exist!?


The ability to receive meta data from the source component is what those $60-$500 remotes lack.


I can show you a panel that shows your itunes playlists with current album cover, thermostat, security cam, setting of every single light load, sprinkler system status, Entire movie collection arranged by DVD cover, ETeffingC.


The point isn't that it can act as a Time Warner remote replacement. The point that it will be able to do all of the above for 10% of what I would sell my panel to you for.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got to check out one for a little bit this morning. First impression...its cool. I can see it being useful for work, taking notes, checking emails, looking stuff up online etc. So then I was like ok, its not as useless as I thought, its better than carrying a netbook around.


Then after the OOOH and AAAHH wore off, which apple is very good at doing, I realized that its pretty fucking useless. Say I'm in a meeting taking notes, and I want to switch over to the web browser to look at something, I cant have both things running at once. I would have to save my notes, close it, open the browser and hope that I got all the info I needed, then close the browser and re-open my notes. I also wont be able to get Calender reminders while I have another program open and wouldnt be able to look at emails either. Dedicating time to one specific thing isnt practical.


So I would be better of just using my phone. Only advantage the ipad has is the screen size. Netbook would also work, but its not as portable. I personally dont have a need something like that, but if I did I'd just stick to my phone and a paper notebook.


Correction: I guess if you just close your notes and switch back, your notes will still be there and your calender reminders should pop up.

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Got to check out one for a little bit this morning. First impression...its cool. I can see it being useful for work, taking notes, checking emails, looking stuff up online etc. So then I was like ok, its not as useless as I thought, its better than carrying a netbook around.


Then after the OOOH and AAAHH wore off, which apple is very good at doing, I realized that its pretty fucking useless. Say I'm in a meeting taking notes, and I want to switch over to the web browser to look at something, I cant have both things running at once. I would have to save my notes, close it, open the browser and hope that I got all the info I needed, then close the browser and re-open my notes. I also wont be able to get Calender reminders while I have another program open and wouldnt be able to look at emails either. Dedicating time to one specific thing isnt practical.


So I would be better of just using my phone. Only advantage the ipad has is the screen size. Netbook would also work, but its not as portable. I personally dont have a need something like that, but if I did I'd just stick to my phone and a paper notebook.


Correction: I guess if you just close your notes and switch back, your notes will still be there and your calender reminders should pop up.


It all saves automatically? theres no "save" button on my iPhone either :rolleyes:

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It all saves automatically? theres no "save" button on my iPhone either :rolleyes:


Well try it on your iphone. Create a note, go to the browser and come back, see if its still there. Should be the same for both devices.

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Well try it on your iphone. Create a note, go to the browser and come back, see if its still there. Should be the same for both devices.


Its always still there.. I was being a smartass lol



iPhone FTW



(dont start another android argument plz..........)

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Wrong. Heres a real winnar.




Intel atom processor, nvidia ion graphics.. This thing would run any modern game on low settings (as long as you can hack windows onto it, should be able to)

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