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Excellent local article


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As I was passing through the doorway of the Qdoba on 5th Ave, I noticed a free publication just inside the entryway. Apparently, Columbus has a magazine; 614 Magazine. What caught my eye was the picture on the cover of a gun pointed at the silhouette of a supposed intruder. The headline, "IN DEFENSE: Find out why Columbus is a gun-toting city." My initial reaction was :rolleyes:, great, this is going to be some misguided, emotion-filled, propaganda bullshit. Boy was I surprised.


I'm not going to write out the whole article or anything, but I will say that I thought it was VERY well written, with only a few (minor) wrong tidbits of information. It wasn't biased in any way, just simply informative, with some facts thrown in here and there. I, myself, didn't find any profound information in there that I wasn't already aware of, but to a person who doesn't keep up on this stuff, or a person who's on the fence on the subject, it'd be very educational for them to read.


The basic rundown of the article is as follows:


-Cbus crime/home invasions are on the rise.

-People are really starting to arm themselves.

-It goes over how to effectively prepare yourself.

-It encourages getting lots of training (was really glad they put that in there).

-Options for securing your gun at home.

-How to avoid ligation; shooting someone the right way.

-Preparedness, and why you should be an advocate of it.

-Tips from a burglar; and what burglars like/don't like.

-CCW stuff

-Ranges/gun stores and their contact information

-The amount of CCW permits issued in Cbus, Cincy, and Cleveland.

-Less lethal options and why they suck compared to a bullet.

-Gun options for home defense and what you can expect to pay.


Overall, I'm impressed, and definitely recommend anyone who's in Gun Crew to pick it up and give it a read. Pass it on, to someone you think should read it, when you're done.




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