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...the fuck?!


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I just got an email saying that the Stimulus Package is now out for xbox for MW2. That pisses me off...because its just adding to previous blatant xbox favoritism being shown from IW. As I continue to read the email…it shows that xbox will also have a double xp weekend. What the fuck?! Why is the PS3 and PC being neglected?


Why do people even like the xbox? It sucks, its inferior to the PS3 in every way. You think you will be able to play 3D blurays with xbox? Hell no, cant even do regular bluray. Can you run linux on xbox? NO! (not for long on ps3 either but still), and the list goes on.


So fuck you Infinity Ward.


If you disagree with me, go sit on a pole


There's my rant, thanks for reading.

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I just got an email saying that the Stimulus Package is now out for xbox for MW2. That pisses me off...because its just adding to previous blatant xbox favoritism being shown from IW. As I continue to read the email…it shows that xbox will also have a double xp weekend. What the fuck?! Why is the PS3 and PC being neglected?


Why do people even like the xbox? It sucks, its inferior to the PS3 in every way. You think you will be able to play 3D blurays with xbox? Hell no, cant even do regular bluray. Can you run linux on xbox? NO! (not for long on ps3 either but still), and the list goes on.


If you disagree with me, go sit on a pole


There's my rant, thanks for reading.


there was a double XP weekend in a popular mmorpg game i play about 3 weekends ago. :)

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Because there are a lot of tards like you that went out and bought the xbox, and cant afford a PS3 because of your xbox live fees :lol:


I can afford my 8 cents a day for xbox live....

I really wish crash wasent one of the maps I hated that map.




Haters wanna hateeee ballers wanna balll

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I can afford my 8 cents a day for xbox live....

I really wish crash wasent one of the maps I hated that map.




Haters wanna hateeee ballers wanna balll


I liked crash in MW1.


Now if you would excuse me, I need to go put water in yo mommas bowl

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Meh I agree with you about IW, its like the make a steller game then release the same thing with some new and of course it sells. But its blotched to hell. But I love my xbox never have any complaints and even have a PS3 in my house and always buy xbox games > PS3 version. Xbl is so much better than the playstation network and will continue to pay a small $50 a year for this great service.


As for the mappack your not missing much of anything especially for $15. Three remakes and two new maps right? Lame. If they added some spec ops, had five REAL new maps or more it might be worth it. But heck no. Seeing this mappack was the final push to make me sell this game. Fun why it lasted but didnt last near as long as I'd think.

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I liked crash in MW1.


Now if you would excuse me, I need to go put water in yo mommas bowl


Ahahah keep sippin that hateraide ill be going home an playing the new mapsa while u sit like a good little bitch an wait for ur turn.

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XBOX has a far larger user base than PC or PS3. That makes it the logical business move.


Get your logic out of here!!!


P.S. Having a PS3 is good for watching movies with your woman but sucks monkey balls at online gaming.

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I hate all fan boys of anything ... Android this, ps3 that, mustangs are great, Audi blah blah, next he will say jegs is better than summit.....


Fixed for pot calling kettle goodness :)


New map pack should have been free and I was not impressed.


Who fucking cares what is better? I need to get back to playing Resistance II on my PS3 that game actually has a story and pretty good game play.

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People still play MW2? I stopped playing a while ago, switched over to BF:BC2 and never looked back.


I do agree that it's very lame of them to wait 6 months to release a map pack, cost $15:eek:, and they only offer it on 360 (PS3 release date TBT). No thanks, Infinity Ward is getting greedier by the day!


Xbox 360<PS3

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Fixed for pot calling kettle goodness :)


New map pack should have been free and I was not impressed.


Who fucking cares what is better? I need to get back to playing Resistance II on my PS3 that game actually has a story and pretty good game play.


I have never posted on anywhere that mustangs are better than f bodys....I just assumed you guys new

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