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Fuck Mono


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After feeling like absolute shit the past 8 days, i decided to go get checked out. they took a blood sample and it immediately came back positive for mono.


anyone else have it? how long till im not feeling like a garbage can and in a pissy mood 24/7.


kisses anyone?

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When I had mono I had a migraine for 5 days straight. I hid in the closet and if I hear the smallest sound or bright light I screamed and threw sharp objects.


On the 5th day my mom had to take me to the ER. They gave me an IV drip of something to get rid of my migraine. It worked but the side affect was restless leg syndrome for over 30 hours. Trying to sleep was impossible all I did was walk around my house.


Have fun with mono.

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I had it back in highschool, missed 2 weeks of school, slept straight, ate nothing. ended up in the er after a week of it with my throat about swollen shut making it hard to breathe. fuckin sucked
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I had it back in highschool, missed 2 weeks of school, slept straight, ate nothing. ended up in the er after a week of it with my throat about swollen shut making it hard to breathe. fuckin sucked


im at the throat stage. damnit

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Had it pretty recent. i had strep throat, got antibiotics for it and they didnt help, went back to the doctor got different ones that i had an allergic reaction to. On the third trip to the doctor they said i had mono, gave me steroids and vicodin. The mono shit lasted about a month or so and i ended up loosing about 10-15lbs because my throat was swollen shut.




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Which mono were you diagnosed with? Once is caused by Epstein-Barr virus the other is caused by cytomegalovirus. Sucks either way, man. Most people are exposed to it as children, tho there's always a chance to catch it as an adult.
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Which mono were you diagnosed with? Once is caused by Epstein-Barr virus the other is caused by cytomegalovirus. Sucks either way, man. Most people are exposed to it as children, tho there's always a chance to catch it as an adult.


i have no idea which one. im pretty certain i got it monday after my last minute decision to trailor a car up to detroit and back. then had to get up for work 3 hours later

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I had this shit in highschool also, felt like shit,kept sleeping, throat was swollen. I do not remember how long it lasted but that shit made me sleep like crazy.


i sure do feel sleepy. trying to combat it as much as possible.

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Had it pretty recent. i had strep throat, got antibiotics for it and they didnt help, went back to the doctor got different ones that i had an allergic reaction to. On the third trip to the doctor they said i had mono, gave me steroids and vicodin. The mono shit lasted about a month or so and i ended up loosing about 10-15lbs because my throat was swollen shut.





Aids, serious business.

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This is scary to read, because ever since I posted about a week ago that I felt shitty for a couple days, I have been fairly bad since, with the worst headache I have ever had all day yesterday, feeling weak, shivering like a flu on and off, etc.


About 2 more days of this and I am going in as well.

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