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son of a ....


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What in the fuck did he just say? Can someone translate down to slower, less coked out levels of excitement. I think I picked up a boat working, and the fact that it's windy outside.


Yes, I do believe the chap has a functional watercraft. He then piloted said watercraft into rather choppy waters.

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Sonnn of a bitch. What do you know the boat works haha it has trouble gettin on plane in these like 2 to 3 foot swells since its so windy but once it does dam its fun. Wooooooooo haha


I speak fluent Paul.

Here is the proper translation.


NWS for language


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The boat I just bought, left me stranded two weeks ago. Got the proper equipment, an parts in the boat now.


Took it out today an the boat ran flawlessly considering the horrificly large waves from the wind.


:finger: fuck all of u all cause I'm on a boat

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