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school dances sure have changed a lot


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The EXACT same dance and case is under fire right now in regards to this happening at a school prom. Now the kids are poking to have prom off school grounds so they can do this dance without issue. It was on the news last night. Ohio school IIRC.


Licking Valley here in Licking County is the school your referring to

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As mindboggling as the above video is(and I can't stop facepalming right now the decision making processes running through the adults brains) I would have to challenge you to post the era/place in history where people were so moral.


Why go back in time to find such a place? If anything we should be getting better as a society...and we're not. Kids are way too over exposed to violence, sex, drugs, all the shit that they shouldn't be seeing during games or free time. I'm not advocating shielding them, but I don't think it should become mainstream like it is. Don't get me started on the gay rights bullshit.



Today we are educated enough to actually teach young people not "why you should never, ever ever have sex", but "why they should be more safe and more selective when choosing partners", ie disease, early pregnancy, and the consequences of said actions.


Great, we're opening up and teaching the kids vs shielding them; one step forward....but then we take what does it show when we have adults willing to let kids who have zero mental capacity to understand what they are doing, do this shit? Two steps back.


Naw, fuck that shit, lets just tell em jesus don't like it, so don't do it. Forget what I did when I was your age, just don't.


I don't care what religion one practices, but in my house, at least my kids have faith, and open mind and believe in God (which is the faith in our house) and the kids have morals. Too many people in this world feel they are the God and set very pore moral standards in front of their own children. It's a shame really that kids are subjected to the crap in this video. Does nothing but pollute their brains with ignorant behavior. But hey....MTV has done it for years with all the wanna be rap star Gods, so why not this. Meh....poor kids.....and yet they and those around them complain they are being "held back" by the rest of us. I don't think so. The haves and have-nots.....isn't money related....it's intelligence related. The have-nots typically don't have much of any.


Licking Valley here in Licking County is the school your referring to


Yes...thank you.

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Why go back in time to find such a place? If anything we should be getting better as a society...and we're not. Kids are way too over exposed to violence, sex, drugs, all the shit that they shouldn't be seeing during games or free time. I'm not advocating shielding them, but I don't think it should become mainstream like it is. Don't get me started on the gay rights bullshit.


We are getting better in some aspects, but worse in many others. I remember when one of my teachers in HS told me that when she was in school it wasnt uncommon for her to see kids walking around with a sawn-off tucked under their shirt. You dont hear about that much any more (because kids get expelled for pointing fingers nowadays) but there is so much other shit, like the video, that people are getting away with.


Then you hear about the days where kids could bring their guns to school and shoot pigeons in the parking lot, but if they were dancing like in that video they would be sent to an asylum.


Its a funny slope.

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Why go back in time to find such a place?


Your quote about "going into the gutter", implies coming from "not a gutter", hence my comment. Gays are humans and as such deserve the same rights as you.




but then we take what does it show when we have adults willing to let kids who have zero mental capacity to understand what they are doing, do this shit? .



Not really sure what you are saying here, but I believe the adults in this video are being pretty irresponsible too, though I don't equate that with the entirety of a country. I imagine the percentage of people that would allow their children to dance in such a way is pretty small.




I don't care what religion one practices, but in my house, at least my kids have faith, and open mind and believe in God (which is the faith in our house) and the kids have morals. Too many people in this world feel they are the God and set very pore moral standards in front of their own children. It's a shame really that kids are subjected to the crap in this video. Does nothing but pollute their brains with ignorant behavior. But hey....MTV has done it for years with all the wanna be rap star Gods, so why not this. Meh....poor kids.....and yet they and those around them complain they are being "held back" by the rest of us. I don't think so. The haves and have-nots.....isn't money related....it's intelligence related. The have-nots typically don't have much of any.



Also if MTV bothers you or anyone so badly, you should block it, or not pay for cable.


The EXACT same dance and case is under fire right now in regards to this happening at a school prom.


How is the video posted analogous to a highschool prom with 16-18 yr olds ?

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Today we are educated enough to actually teach young people not "why you should never, ever ever have sex", but "why they should be more safe and more selective when choosing partners", ie disease, early pregnancy, and the consequences of said actions.


Naw, fuck that shit, lets just tell em jesus don't like it, so don't do it. Forget what I did when I was your age, just don't.


That's the exact same argument I have for gun control freaks, though it applies to nearly anything. Education is the key. Unfortunately the ignorant ones just don't know any better and they pass it on to their dumb ass kids.

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Your quote about "going into the gutter", implies coming from "not a gutter", hence my comment. Gays are humans and as such deserve the same rights as you.


Your opinion on the lifestyle obviously differs than mine. I'll leave it at that.



Not really sure what you are saying here, but I believe the adults in this video are being pretty irresponsible too, though I don't equate that with the entirety of a country. I imagine the percentage of people that would allow their children to dance in such a way is pretty small.


They are ignorant and irrisponsible yes. However, it's adults today that have caused the aforementioned exposure to some pretty edgy and IMO just plain wrong stuff on TV, in Games, Music, etc....thus the percentage of people that do more than just let kids dance that way is ever increasing and IMO it's all pretty sad.


Also if MTV bothers you or anyone so badly, you should block it, or not pay for cable.


Been blocked and unwatched by me or our household for years. Very little of anything intelligent shown there.


How is the video posted analogous to a highschool prom with 16-18 yr olds ?


It's the exact same behavior and dance being pushed for by kids in a local school district.

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