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Android = overkill

V8 Beast

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Oh my goodness I've got to have a Hero, no, a Droid, no wait a G1, no no the Nexus, no wait a Droid Incredible, no I really want an Evo, no wait........


Iphone = all the money one phone

Android = Money spread out all over the damn place and people scared to buy phones because two weeks after they do they are old news...



So with that being said who preordered their incredible?

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I love my droid and have no plans on replacing it anytime in the near future.... how many other phones also are your alarm clock that has a dock to make it look like an alarm clock as well as a GPS that will actually mount in your window and be a GPS...
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I preordered my incredible yesterday. My current phone has a broken outside LCD screen and i was going to get a droid around xmas but then i figured i might as well wait for the new android phone.


Did you get one Brian?


No keyboard.... But I'm trying to see if I can get ahold of one for research.

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keep living in your sensored app store world.


Guessing that's referring to Apple? Since they're the most locked down/ parenting/big brother company there is. They have to approve everything that's done. Google/android on the other hand just says hell with it. Do whatever you want.


Oh and for those that think I'm biased. This was typed on a macbook.

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Android isn't entirely open, just far more so than the apple app store as it doesn't have to go through a review process for every update to any app.


Here's the fun fact: Microsoft has the only 100% open phone platform. You don't have to do any tricks to install custom apps, you just can right off the bat. Irony...

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