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Need help for my ad


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So, while I'm here in Houston I've started a detailing business to earn some extra cash. In a couple of weeks I have an ad going into a local paper and I need some advice on it. It's black and white and 2 inches x 1 inch, right now it reads as follows:


Houston Auto Butler

Fine Automotive Detailing

Wax/Clay Bar * Shampoo * On-site Services

My Phone Number


My questions are:

1. I've been looking for a clip art pic of a car that I can use in the ad that is simple and would look good in black and white, but I can't find any, any suggestions?


2. Would you guys change the wording on the ad at all? I don't have much room to write a whole lot and I don't want it to look too cluttered but at the same time, I want people to know what I do.


Like I said before, this is in Houston so no, I can't detail your car, lolz. Thanks in advance for the help/opinions.

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/boredom. its bigger and dumber than what your looking for, but kept me occupied.


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Hmm, I actually like the layout on that Jeff (maybe not the car so much, lol), thanks a lot! I wonder if it's possible to make the bucket/sponge a little more clear? As far as the top hat/cane idea, I'm not sure what to think of that.
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When I think of new and shiny I don't picture old Volkswagen beetles in my head


:lol: i was thinking the same thing, but it was just something i pulled off google.


same ugly car, if only mspaint would allow me to make the bucket a little more translucent.



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