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"We Speak English... Learn it!"


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Well think about it. Courts are all in English, the documents that founded this country, the laws the govern respective areas etc. 30 states have already made English their official language. Imagine if this gets more out of hand the problems with business/courts/or even translating current laws and regulations to mean the same thing in multiple languages. Even though government may use other languages to be legally binding official it must act or communicate in the English language. Im not saying its bad to know multiple languages I am just saying for a lot of reasons it is good to have a national language that dominates legally and if you want to understand the countries rules and regulations you must know it and not have a driving test available in 12 different languages...


Or else we end up like Canada.

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Not to start shit, but more or less just asking the question... How do you know the people you see are illegal?


Long story short I judged this guy without knowing his situation


i know i'm making a blanketed assumption, but frustration sets in when you try to do business,or exchange important information with someone, only to realize there is a huge language barrier.


i don't hate Mexicans, Africans or any other group of immigrants. i am always the guy breaking the ice with a new person.

i've helped all kinds of kids from Russia, Ukraine, Laos etc. learn English in ESL class in High School. Hell, my best friend is Cambodian, and just got his Citizenship, after being here for 20 years. I'm going to another buddies wedding in Monterrey, Mexico in June. guess what i'll be doing?......brushing up on the language, just what i would expect anyone coming here to do.



i guess what i am saying is that when people come here, and don't make an effort to learn how to communicate with others. it shows your either arrogant, lazy or disrespectful. IMHO



JR, I gotta disagree with you on this one man. If a person can come to the united states and eek out a happy existence and never learn a lick of English more power to em. Now most immigrants working on citizenship usually do try to learn to communicate within reason.


This kind of legislation would be a gigantic waste of time. English Language laws would be an egregious (and expensive and unnecessary) overstep.


I understand what you are saying, and i agree that it would cost oodles of money. I also agree trying enforce such laws would be pointless.


however, how much are we losing from illegals not paying income tax?

how much extra is it costing us to deal with illegals not having licenses, and getting into accidents without insurance?

having access to free medical treatment, and tons of other social services?

having to go through documents, signs(road/store/buildings), etc. and add Spanish to them?

how much is it hurting kids in neighborhoods that have had a huge influx of Non-English speaking kids, slowing down the classes to catch them up?


(rambling over)


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I like him, he has balls. Fuck the political correctness bullshit, hes just saying what 90% of others think daily. I'd vote for him...wait better not say that cause Im probably racist for even thinking such a thing...


I went to Florida a couple years back, on the fucking ATM is said "1- Espanol 2. English....umm this is the United States where English is the most common language.

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I like him, he has balls. Fuck the political correctness bullshit, hes just saying what 90% of others think daily. I'd vote for him...wait better not say that cause Im probably racist for even thinking such a thing...


I went to Florida a couple years back, on the fucking ATM is said "1- Espanol 2. English....umm this is the United States where English is the most common language.


What I don't understand is that English is already the state langauge of Alabama... I don't understand what this guy is running on.


ATMs in Columbus and Cleveland have Espanol and English too.

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