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It should be better?


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Not sure where he gets nut swinging from but he got way defensive when I leaned on the miata at NTB.


But in his defense I shouldn't have leaned on it.




That shit pisses me off, I can't stand when anyone trys to lean up on my car. Lol

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<interjects fun NTR story>


Around 1994, after an all-day Blitz Day, a group of guys returned to the parking lot across the street from the track, only to find a drunk guy leaning on one of the group's Camaro.


"Get the fuck off my car. Now."


"Or what you stupid fuck?"


Those were the last words spoken. Camaro owner took about 10 running steps to get up to speed, clothes-lined the guy to the point he landed about 5' from where he had been leaning, all of about 4 punches were thrown, and said leaner was out cold in the grass/dirt.


Some laughs were had. It's a shame video capable phones weren't around back then, especially for the Blitz Day titty contests.



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