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Warning to outdoorsman: Tics


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neat that you used the picture from wikipedia


If you read carefully, he did say, "It looked like this..."


I've been out a few times this last couple months. It really depends on the area. They're always gonna be worse along common game trails, especially with a lot of deer. When you cruise thru the woods, try not to brush against any bushes or branches, especially with your head. They like to wait in ambush for passerbys. I periodically check myself at every break or clearing. Nothing beats having a partner to help for obvious reasons. Two of the times I've been out, though I haven't found them to be near as bad as last year, I thought I'd got them all only to find that one straggler later. One of them I didn't find until the next day while showering in my hair. Deer tick, no lyme disease for me.


A couple days ago I trekked quite a bit in an area near my house. Never found a single one. I was suprised and quite happy.


I'm really suprised to find how bad the ticks are up here compared to down south. Generally, there are more bugs, etc down there due to seasonal differences.

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Dog had one crawling on his fur this year...just crushed and flushed it. He got several last year, but that's before we took care of some overgrown parts of the lawn after buying the house. I found keeping the yard well mowed has helped.


It is important to keep a lookout.

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I've been fishing a lot this spring, must be lucky I usually have 1 or 2 a week on me from fishing. I hate that feeling when you know one is crawling on you. In my lifetime I've prolly have had hundreds on me, but have had only one sucking my blood. Good place to check is the back of ur next right by the hairline. Hate these damn bugs
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