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Severe Allergies


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Anyone have them.

I used Zyrtec and it worked. Now it does not work.

Tried Clariten D it does not work.


I have heard this year is worse then other years.

I may have to find a doctor if I cant find some other means of controlling it.


Any advice or experience is appreciated.

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I've got them reallllly bad I find that if I switch brands ever few weeks to a month it seems to get better.


My body gets used to the pills quick so they start losing there affect cause my alletrgies r so bad so I swap between 12 an 24 hour claritin an zyrtec seems to work out so far.

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I have found that that nasal flushing helps immensely, IE: NETI POP or similiar.


I had to research this when you posted it just to find out what it was. Looks promising. I think I will give it a try soon.

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Yeah, Claritin blows...


Sounds dumb, but ive found that Walgreens 'Zyrtec', Wal-zyr or whatever they call it, seems to work the best.


DayQuil seems to also work wonders even though its not even allergy medicine lol

Was out at a golf outing yesterday for 6 1/2 hours and i'd usually be dying, but had 2 whole nostrils to breathe out of... I never get that. :(

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This really work? I would do it if it helped with my allergies

I personally KNOW THIS WORKS. I had horrible debilitating food and airborne allergies my whole life. Ten years of shot treatments, handfuls of prescription drugs and still suffered. The rest of you can keep wasting your money on drugs and bullshit medicine. Here is a link for a doctor in Columbus. I am going to try them, cheaper and closer to me. I cant yet vouche for this clinic but I KNOW osteomed works. My issue with them is they have doubled there rates since I first went to them.


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I recommend something called Allerplex from Standard Process, it works good and it is not a drug. It does however help regulate the bodies histamine response. The other thing that works well is to move to Arizona.
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I personally KNOW THIS WORKS. I had horrible debilitating food and airborne allergies my whole life. Ten years of shot treatments, handfuls of prescription drugs and still suffered. The rest of you can keep wasting your money on drugs and bullshit medicine. Here is a link for a doctor in Columbus. I am going to try them, cheaper and closer to me. I cant yet vouche for this clinic but I KNOW osteomed works. My issue with them is they have doubled there rates since I first went to them.



You going back for the same reason or for something new?

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You going back for the same reason or for something new?


Both, It has been over three years since I went to osteomed. Since then I developed a severe reaction to carrots, and seasonal allergies have been bothering me this year.

I normaly wont discuss these treatments because I know it looks to good to be true and seems like total bullshit.

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Both, It has been over three years since I went to osteomed. Since then I developed a severe reaction to carrots, and seasonal allergies have been bothering me this year.

I normaly wont discuss these treatments because I know it looks to good to be true and seems like total bullshit.


It may seem unorthdox to some but I would be willing to try it. hell the worst thing that would happen is that it doesnt work and then I am back to where I started. If you want to PM me I would be interested in hearing the results of your next trip. Thanks



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I personally KNOW THIS WORKS. I had horrible debilitating food and airborne allergies my whole life. Ten years of shot treatments, handfuls of prescription drugs and still suffered. The rest of you can keep wasting your money on drugs and bullshit medicine. Here is a link for a doctor in Columbus. I am going to try them, cheaper and closer to me. I cant yet vouche for this clinic but I KNOW osteomed works. My issue with them is they have doubled there rates since I first went to them.



I would say go for it. Acupuncture has been around a lot longer than "modern medicine". I have seen good results from people having acupuncture done.

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I would say go for it. Acupuncture has been around a lot longer than "modern medicine". I have seen good results from people having acupuncture done.


NAET is not accupunture. Below is a brief description. I recomend an internet search, there is a lot of info available.

NAET incorporates muscle testing, Chinese medicine, and chiropractic theory in order to determine the what a person is allergic to. When one encounters an allergen, the body automatically moves to protect itself by withdrawing the vital energy (also known as qi) into the body in order to protect the vital organs. As a result, the limbs lose strength, resulting in even a very strong man being unable to stop his arm from dipping when an NAET practitioner presses on it. After determining the allergen, the patient is then treated by tapping or pressing down the spinal cord. This technique communicates new information to the brain, training it to recognize the allergen as something neutral and not dangerous. Most allergies can be treated within 25 minutes, but for longstanding allergies and serious conditions, it may take repeat treatments in order to enjoy optimum health.


Because NAET is painless and noninvasive, it is particularly effective for small children. Allergies are frequently tested via scratch test, which involves scraping the patient’s arm and setting a bit of the allergen in the wound. If there is a reaction, there is an allergy. This diagnostic test takes several weeks and is uncomfortable for not only children, but everyone. NAET is both a diagnostic and a treatment, so rather than waiting several weeks for relief, a patient can begin to eliminate his or her allergies right away.


For more information about NAET, please visit the NAET website at http://www.naet.com or read the book “Say Goodbye to Illness”, by Dr. Devi Nambudripad.

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Hmmmm...... Never heard of that. I will have to check it out. I try to keep an open mind, unlike some other docs. One thing I know, is science knows only a little about how the body realy works.

NAET is not accupunture. Below is a brief description. I recomend an internet search, there is a lot of info available.

NAET incorporates muscle testing, Chinese medicine, and chiropractic theory in order to determine the what a person is allergic to. When one encounters an allergen, the body automatically moves to protect itself by withdrawing the vital energy (also known as qi) into the body in order to protect the vital organs. As a result, the limbs lose strength, resulting in even a very strong man being unable to stop his arm from dipping when an NAET practitioner presses on it. After determining the allergen, the patient is then treated by tapping or pressing down the spinal cord. This technique communicates new information to the brain, training it to recognize the allergen as something neutral and not dangerous. Most allergies can be treated within 25 minutes, but for longstanding allergies and serious conditions, it may take repeat treatments in order to enjoy optimum health.


Because NAET is painless and noninvasive, it is particularly effective for small children. Allergies are frequently tested via scratch test, which involves scraping the patient’s arm and setting a bit of the allergen in the wound. If there is a reaction, there is an allergy. This diagnostic test takes several weeks and is uncomfortable for not only children, but everyone. NAET is both a diagnostic and a treatment, so rather than waiting several weeks for relief, a patient can begin to eliminate his or her allergies right away.


For more information about NAET, please visit the NAET website at http://www.naet.com or read the book “Say Goodbye to Illness”, by Dr. Devi Nambudripad.

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