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V8 Beast

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I still wouldnt want some anxiety ridden, overweight, pimple faced kid beside me in an escalated situation with a loaded weapon. I would rather have him at home writing a blog... Now if he was forced to serve the military from behind a computer I would be ok with that.


Hell, if the US ever needed keyboard warriors, all of CR could enlist. :p

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Hell, if the US ever needed keyboard warriors, all of CR could enlist. :p


My friend pretty much pushes a button then monitors a missle with 3 other people until it hits its target. That jobs good for over $60k a year.

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I still wouldnt want some anxiety ridden, overweight, pimple faced kid beside me in an escalated situation with a loaded weapon. I would rather have him at home writing a blog... Now if he was forced to serve the military from behind a computer I would be ok with that.


The military would knock most of those bad habits right out of them.


On a side note - I kick myself in the ass on a monthly basis for not putting in my 4 years right out of high school. Hell, I wasted my first 3.5 years in college trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I always had plans to join but I somehow let my parents talk me out of it. :o


I think everyone should put in some time if they can. Perhaps the country wouldn't be so full of pussies then.

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Not being involved with the military does not make you a pussy.


At my highschool, the only people who joined the military straight out of school were the kids who always got in trouble, were far less intelligent than most, and barely made it through Reynoldsburg High School (a joke of an education) with a 1.something gpa. Out of 435 people in our graduating class i was in the 80's with a 3.65 gpa. Over half of our class graduated with over a 3.0.....thats how easy it was to do. and these kids couldn't even break 2.0. They were the kids who were socially awkward who everyone considered to be "losers." I'm glad i'm not one of those losers. And i'm not a pussy either, i could beat the shit out of any of those kids.


i'm not saying everyone who joins the military is a loser or anything like that. There are alot of people in the military who make me look like a loser. I'm just mentioning something i observed in my highschool. The people i described are not the people who i would trust to defend me, you know?

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Not being involved with the military does not make you a pussy.


At my highschool, the only people who joined the military straight out of school were the kids who always got in trouble, were far less intelligent than most, and barely made it through Reynoldsburg High School (a joke of an education) with a 1.something gpa. Out of 435 people in our graduating class i was in the 80's with a 3.65 gpa. Over half of our class graduated with over a 3.0.....thats how easy it was to do. and these kids couldn't even break 2.0. They were the kids who were socially awkward who everyone considered to be "losers." I'm glad i'm not one of those losers. And i'm not a pussy either, i could beat the shit out of any of those kids.


i'm not saying everyone who joins the military is a loser or anything like that. There are alot of people in the military who make me look like a loser. I'm just mentioning something i observed in my highschool. The people i described are not the people who i would trust to defend me, you know?

I see what you're saying, though I think those are the people that might benefit the most from the military experience. I'll bet if you met any of them 4 years later they would be distinctly different than the tards you knew them as in High School.

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Not being involved with the military does not make you a pussy.


At my highschool, the only people who joined the military straight out of school were the kids who always got in trouble, were far less intelligent than most, and barely made it through Reynoldsburg High School (a joke of an education) with a 1.something gpa. Out of 435 people in our graduating class i was in the 80's with a 3.65 gpa. Over half of our class graduated with over a 3.0.....thats how easy it was to do. and these kids couldn't even break 2.0. They were the kids who were socially awkward who everyone considered to be "losers." I'm glad i'm not one of those losers. And i'm not a pussy either, i could beat the shit out of any of those kids.


i'm not saying everyone who joins the military is a loser or anything like that. There are alot of people in the military who make me look like a loser. I'm just mentioning something i observed in my highschool. The people i described are not the people who i would trust to defend me, you know?


Who gives a flying fuck ? So what you can make gay post on CR about what car your going to buy in 4 years? Im not going to say names because, people on here know the person, but I know someone who always talked like this, about how great they did in college, bragged about making 6 figures , all he talked about was GPA and what hes going to do. No matter what this guy did it was always how how much better he was then someone else he went to highschool with. Everyone hated him but he always seemed to come around to try to make his fucking head bigger, then one time at this party everyone was having a good time, he told this marine vet that if he would of joined he would of been an officer, and this and that. Either way he learned his lesson he ended up in the hospital with 43 staples in his head and bolts in his cheek bones. Now hes not that bad of a guy to be around, he is some what humble even tho we do know he has a great education and job, he now doesnt have to brag.

Either way just because you knew some of " those loser" kids in highschool the military changes them 180. You have no fucking idea what its like to be willing to die for someone. I have no problem with you or what you do with your life, but I always will have more respect for the guys that put everything on the line. Not everyone has a fucking silver spoon and people have to do whats best for them. The guys at the prison I work at would love a kid like you.

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The military would knock most of those bad habits right out of them.


Nope, just a higher suicide rate. When they cant live up to expectations and really really mean men yell at their emo asses they will take the easy way out. Some people call it Darwinism.. but for all we know that could have been the emo nerd that would have grown up to cure cancer...

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Who gives a flying fuck ? So what you can make gay post on CR about what car your going to buy in 4 years? Im not going to say names because, people on here know the person, but I know someone who always talked like this, about how great they did in college, bragged about making 6 figures , all he talked about was GPA and what hes going to do. No matter what this guy did it was always how how much better he was then someone else he went to highschool with. Everyone hated him but he always seemed to come around to try to make his fucking head bigger, then one time at this party everyone was having a good time, he told this marine vet that if he would of joined he would of been an officer, and this and that. Either way he learned his lesson he ended up in the hospital with 43 staples in his head and bolts in his cheek bones. Now hes not that bad of a guy to be around, he is some what humble even tho we do know he has a great education and job, he now doesnt have to brag.

Either way just because you knew some of " those loser" kids in highschool the military changes them 180. You have no fucking idea what its like to be willing to die for someone. I have no problem with you or what you do with your life, but I always will have more respect for the guys that put everything on the line. Not everyone has a fucking silver spoon and people have to do whats best for them. The guys at the prison I work at would love a kid like you.


i don't think you took my post in the sense it was meant, everyone else did. There's no need to insult me and such.


No where in my post did i say how i was better than everyone else, how i'm gonna have an awesome job. Hell i said i was 80th in my class, thats embarassing to me. If you can't get higher than a 2.0 gpa at a really shitty school, there coudd be 2 different reasons. 1. you have some sort of family problems or something going on, or you're just not motivated, so you don't try OR 2. you're a stupid mother fucker, not really good for anything besides asking me my order McDonalds. The kids i'm talking about were #2. They were complete assholes to everyone, especially people who tried to help them. They tried hard but couldn't even pass "integrated math" and "reading lab" (those are the classes for idiots btw, like they studied slope senior year in math class, me and my classmates studied that in 7th grade). They were the kids who hid their drugs in their lockers, got in fights at school, got drunk and wrecked their parents cars, etc.

I'm nothing special, i'm no genius. I think i'm pretty intelligent, but i work hard for my grades. I was blessed with alot of physical capability, but its not like i'm playing college ball (basketball) or anything. I'm sure walking down the street i can find 10 people i'd destroy and 10 who'd destroy me. I'm not one to judge others, but these kids were worthless, bottom of the barrel kids. I am proud to say that i'm 1000 times the person they will ever be. So they served their country, but its not like theyre gonna be officers or anything. That is IF they survive boot camp. As soon as theyre done with service they'll be blowing all their money on drugs and alcohol, and become the no good, worthless, mcdonalds employees they were destined to be.


My statement was meant to be this: thats not who i want defending my country. The military should have some sort of application process. Some sort of mental aptitude test, some sort of physical ability test. I don't expect the whole military to know calculus, but i'd like to know that they are smart enough to make good decisions when other's lives are on the line. Sure, anyone can be trained to carry a gun and a backpack, and follow basic commands "run over there, shoot those A-rabs, retreat." But what if you're stuck in a building with 2 other guys from your unit and one is injured. The building is full of hostiles. I don't want some dumb ass kid in that situation, i want someone who is capable of a high level of critical thinking who's going to come up with a good solution to get out and get to safety, while saving his own ass and his two friend's asses.


The kids i described from my highschool, they wouldn't survive that situation.

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i don't think you took my post in the sense it was meant, everyone else did. There's no need to insult me and such.


No where in my post did i say how i was better than everyone else, how i'm gonna have an awesome job. Hell i said i was 80th in my class, thats embarassing to me. If you can't get higher than a 2.0 gpa at a really shitty school, there coudd be 2 different reasons. 1. you have some sort of family problems or something going on, or you're just not motivated, so you don't try OR 2. you're a stupid mother fucker, not really good for anything besides asking me my order McDonalds. The kids i'm talking about were #2. They were complete assholes to everyone, especially people who tried to help them. They tried hard but couldn't even pass "integrated math" and "reading lab" (those are the classes for idiots btw, like they studied slope senior year in math class, me and my classmates studied that in 7th grade). They were the kids who hid their drugs in their lockers, got in fights at school, got drunk and wrecked their parents cars, etc.

I'm nothing special, i'm no genius. I think i'm pretty intelligent, but i work hard for my grades. I was blessed with alot of physical capability, but its not like i'm playing college ball (basketball) or anything. I'm sure walking down the street i can find 10 people i'd destroy and 10 who'd destroy me. I'm not one to judge others, but these kids were worthless, bottom of the barrel kids. I am proud to say that i'm 1000 times the person they will ever be. So they served their country, but its not like theyre gonna be officers or anything. That is IF they survive boot camp. As soon as theyre done with service they'll be blowing all their money on drugs and alcohol, and become the no good, worthless, mcdonalds employees they were destined to be.


My statement was meant to be this: thats not who i want defending my country. The military should have some sort of application process. Some sort of mental aptitude test, some sort of physical ability test. I don't expect the whole military to know calculus, but i'd like to know that they are smart enough to make good decisions when other's lives are on the line. Sure, anyone can be trained to carry a gun and a backpack, and follow basic commands "run over there, shoot those A-rabs, retreat." But what if you're stuck in a building with 2 other guys from your unit and one is injured. The building is full of hostiles. I don't want some dumb ass kid in that situation, i want someone who is capable of a high level of critical thinking who's going to come up with a good solution to get out and get to safety, while saving his own ass and his two friend's asses.


The kids i described from my highschool, they wouldn't survive that situation.


Do you like being free?

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i don't think you took my post in the sense it was meant, everyone else did. There's no need to insult me and such.


No where in my post did i say how i was better than everyone else, how i'm gonna have an awesome job. Hell i said i was 80th in my class, thats embarassing to me. If you can't get higher than a 2.0 gpa at a really shitty school, there coudd be 2 different reasons. 1. you have some sort of family problems or something going on, or you're just not motivated, so you don't try OR 2. you're a stupid mother fucker, not really good for anything besides asking me my order McDonalds. The kids i'm talking about were #2. They were complete assholes to everyone, especially people who tried to help them. They tried hard but couldn't even pass "integrated math" and "reading lab" (those are the classes for idiots btw, like they studied slope senior year in math class, me and my classmates studied that in 7th grade). They were the kids who hid their drugs in their lockers, got in fights at school, got drunk and wrecked their parents cars, etc.

I'm nothing special, i'm no genius. I think i'm pretty intelligent, but i work hard for my grades. I was blessed with alot of physical capability, but its not like i'm playing college ball (basketball) or anything. I'm sure walking down the street i can find 10 people i'd destroy and 10 who'd destroy me. I'm not one to judge others, but these kids were worthless, bottom of the barrel kids. I am proud to say that i'm 1000 times the person they will ever be. So they served their country, but its not like theyre gonna be officers or anything. That is IF they survive boot camp. As soon as theyre done with service they'll be blowing all their money on drugs and alcohol, and become the no good, worthless, mcdonalds employees they were destined to be.


My statement was meant to be this: thats not who i want defending my country. The military should have some sort of application process. Some sort of mental aptitude test, some sort of physical ability test. I don't expect the whole military to know calculus, but i'd like to know that they are smart enough to make good decisions when other's lives are on the line. Sure, anyone can be trained to carry a gun and a backpack, and follow basic commands "run over there, shoot those A-rabs, retreat." But what if you're stuck in a building with 2 other guys from your unit and one is injured. The building is full of hostiles. I don't want some dumb ass kid in that situation, i want someone who is capable of a high level of critical thinking who's going to come up with a good solution to get out and get to safety, while saving his own ass and his two friend's asses.


The kids i described from my highschool, they wouldn't survive that situation.


Officers are fucking jokes ( not all ), usually over cocky book smart fucking desk jockeys .

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my point is that they probably will do a bad job serving their country. I want people to do a good job of that.


You might be smart, never said you was not. But dude 90% of the military are fucking crazy drinking sob's, you have no idea what some of us went through. I agree some guys cant hack making it through bootcamp, but you know what if they did, THEY FUCKING EARNED IT.

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You might be smart, never said you was not. But dude 90% of the military are fucking crazy drinking sob's, you have no idea what some of us went through. I agree some guys cant hack making it through bootcamp, but you know what if they did, THEY FUCKING EARNED IT.


i respect those of you who serve more than i could ever express in words. One of my best friends served 6 years in iraq in the marines and he told me about the tip of the iceberg of the shit he did/saw. mad respect for all you guys.


there's just 5 douchebags from my highschool who don't earn my respect ^_^ lol. Maybe when they get back and i see who they've become i will. but not for now.



sorry if my posts made any of those of you who served feel disrespected. i respect you all beyond words.

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It wasn't so much disrespectful, IMO, as assumptional idiocy.


I'm sure walking down the street i can find 10 people i'd destroy and 10 who'd destroy me.


The true measure of someone capable of defending freedom/lives. Just ask them to whip it out and see whose is bigger. :rolleyes:


I'm not one to judge others, but these kids were worthless, bottom of the barrel kids. I am proud to say that i'm 1000 times the person they will ever be.


Yet all you're doing is continually judging them. Hypocrite much? And to say you're 1000 times better than anyone can become, especially someone you're blantantly making assumptions about? Ah, to be young and naive again. We know not what the future holds.


Many of the kids I thought the same about at your age are FAR more successful, in some terms, than I. I was average. Decent grades, blah blah blah. I'm a PBO now with one of the largest banks in the country. Whoopty-do Basil. Doesn't mean garbage. If they wanna go through the training to better themselves and to serve I salute them and they are 1000 times better than I'll ever be. I only wish I would've been able to pass the physical when I was younger.


As soon as theyre done with service they'll be blowing all their money on drugs and alcohol, and become the no good, worthless, mcdonalds employees they were destined to be.


You believe in destiny? Interesting. Do you also believe in karma? Just wondering...


thats not who i want defending my country.


I'd rather have those who are willing to push themselves BEYOND their breaking point in training alone than some who had a 3.65 GPA in high school and is physically fit but would turn tail and run when my life or my freedom are on the line.


The military should have some sort of application process. Some sort of mental aptitude test, some sort of physical ability test. I don't expect the whole military to know calculus, but i'd like to know that they are smart enough to make good decisions when other's lives are on the line.


Funny...I could've sworn our military DID have an application and aptitude test. Oh yeah, they do. My fault. Must've misunderstood you. :rolleyes:


Sure, anyone can be trained to carry a gun and a backpack, and follow basic commands "run over there, shoot those A-rabs, retreat."


Me too b/c we all know that's all they train you for. I mean, that's what The Crucible, Warrior Week, Ranger Training, SEAL Training, etc. are all about. "Hey Billy, just run up der, fire off yer gun, and haul tail! YEE HAW!"


Maybe when they get back and i see who they've become i will. but not for now.


Why do they have to prove themselves to gain your acceptance?


The kids i described from my highschool, they wouldn't survive that situation.


Again, assumptuous and judgmental.


I'm glad my best frined AND brother-in-law are serving. They have each done 3 tours with the Rangers and USMC respectively.


My buddy had a hard time after high school. Better GPA than you, college football player, etc. He still struggled to hold down jobs. Peaople called him an idiot. Some of the people on here may remember him. Come to find out his ADD, even medicated, was hurting his chances in life. Then he made Ranger school and the rest is history. Total 180 turn around. It challenge him and pushed him beyond limits he thought he could muster the courage to cross. People gave up on him too. Now he's planning for his childrens degrees and future with his "drug and alchohol" money.


My brother-in-law struggled in high school. Low GPA, in trouble all the time, fighting on a whim. ADHD was diagnosed and treated. He calmed down but going to college for fire science wasn't working for him. His dreams of being a fire fighter wasn't happening and he became depressed. He started falling into the wrong crowd and he knew something had to change. He joined the USMC and before he went to BT he was breaking state records. Yeah, in the aptitude testing he went through BEFORE being accepted and going to BT. He did 3 tours seeing friends die and getting hit himself with IED's. He missed BOTH his boy's births due to being in Iraq. He is home now, a Corporal, and just re-upped last year as a rifle instructor on base. Garaunteed stateside for his next 3 years. He and his wife are expecting their 3rd child after a recent miscarriage. They go through life on a daily basis with no family around them to support them unless the trip can be made.


These guys were told by their peers they'd never amount to anything. They are both leading successful lives in the military and have done their time in the field. I'll be damned if I EVER have the gall to say that the military can't change someone and I'll be damned if I ever spew words indicating our military is worthless ever fall across my lips.


My grandpa hit E9 quickly in the Air Force (actually a record in his day) as an EOD (not exactly a desk job for those unaware or, in this case, uneducated), faught in Vietnam, saw things he won't even speak of, and turned down Officer school b/c he didn't believe in leaving his team. He ended his career as an E9 and never looked back. I'm glad he never listened to the pundits and I hope those kids don't either.


God bless those guys you speak of, God bless our troops, and God bless America.


I'm done here.


EDIT: Again, these are just my thoughts and opinions, and no, they won't change. :)

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I was in the corps. I lost a lot of good friends. Some were those people mentioned as losers in high school. Some that even required a waiver just to be infantry. They may not have been the brightest bulbs in the world or understood calculus, but they showed more courage and performed more heroic acts than I have seen from anyone. I would fight alongside them anyday because they would lay it on the line for me as I would for them.


Nothing is wrong with going officer...nothing at all. But those who have served as enlisted then going officer are far more respected leaders as they understand what it takes to LEAD from the front and not the rear.

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I was in the corps. I lost a lot of good friends. Some were those people mentioned as losers in high school. Some that even required a waiver just to be infantry. They may not have been the brightest bulbs in the world or understood calculus, but they showed more courage and performed more heroic acts than I have seen from anyone. I would fight alongside them anyday because they would lay it on the line for me as I would for them.


Nothing is wrong with going officer...nothing at all. But those who have served as enlisted then going officer are far more respected leaders as they understand what it takes to LEAD from the front and not the rear.


+ everything.

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I was in the corps. I lost a lot of good friends. Some were those people mentioned as losers in high school. Some that even required a waiver just to be infantry. They may not have been the brightest bulbs in the world or understood calculus, but they showed more courage and performed more heroic acts than I have seen from anyone. I would fight alongside them anyday because they would lay it on the line for me as I would for them.


Nothing is wrong with going officer...nothing at all. But those who have served as enlisted then going officer are far more respected leaders as they understand what it takes to LEAD from the front and not the rear.


i have been proven wrong.

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Sure, anyone can be trained to carry a gun and a backpack, and follow basic commands "run over there, shoot those A-rabs, retreat."

Funny thing is you are about 50% wrong. Not anyone can actually be trained to do this, as simple as it sounds. I know some super smart people that enlisted, and have to be the dumbest individuals when it comes down to the basic Infantry shit.



But what if you're stuck in a building with 2 other guys from your unit and one is injured. The building is full of hostiles. I don't want some dumb ass kid in that situation, i want someone who is capable of a high level of critical thinking who's going to come up with a good solution to get out and get to safety, while saving his own ass and his two friend's asses.


Again, I feel the need to correct you from these qasi-COD style scenarios. People that think usually die first. From what I know/do, Soldiers/Marines ACT. That's plain and simple. You over think the situation, that's it, you're already fucked. Thinking doesn't get shit done, it's the physical acting part that does. Hours/days/months of training that is pounded in your head and body takes over. You take action and it tends to fall into place. Don't need an M.I.T graduate to accomplish that.


And yes there are tests upon tests before entering the US Military. Not to mention, further tests once you are in. Contrary to popular belief, the Military has some smart SOB's.

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i have been proven wrong.


That is because even after all the bashings you have received you still have not learned to shut your mouth.

Every time you open your man pleaser something ignorant falls out of it.

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