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V8 Beast

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The HS drop-out rate is appaling as it is. Pile on mandatory punishment, and well....


After your outrage over the HS dropout rate abates, you might want to check the spelling of the word appalling. I believe they slipped another "l" in there since you finished HS English class. :rolleyes:

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After your outrage over the HS dropout rate abates, you might want to check the spelling of the word appalling. I believe they slipped another "l" in there since you finished HS English class. :rolleyes:



You made me cry... a little....:(


Not my fault I didn't get the memo. Besides, I'm allowed 3 misspellings a year.

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I for one think that after HS there should be 3 yrs manditory military service.


+1 for this being the dumbest thing i've ever read. For 1000 reasons. but V8 Beast said it well, the last person you want watching your back is someone who doesn't wanna be there.


The military should come up with a better recruitment system. At my high school (Reynoldsburg), i was harassed at lunch almost daily by the recruiters there and i was polite at first but it got to the point where they'd sit down and i'd say i'm sorry i have no interest in joining the military, please let me eat my lunch in peace. If i HAD ever wanted to join the military, that surely would have turned me away.

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The military should come up with a better recruitment system. At my high school (Reynoldsburg), i was harassed at lunch almost daily by the recruiters there and i was polite at first but it got to the point where they'd sit down and i'd say i'm sorry i have no interest in joining the military, please let me eat my lunch in peace. If i HAD ever wanted to join the military, that surely would have turned me away.




Most of the recruiters I've met were annoying assholes, they always tried to act like a pushy used car salesman, but with the typical hardass Mr. Tough Guy persona, and they go wayyy over the top with it. One time I was at the fucking grocery store, some guy in uniform came up and was like "So, you ready to join the Army?" I said no thanks, and he responds "that's fine, you're probably not man enough anyway" :lol: what a tool. That's not how you recruit you fucking moron.

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I for one think that after HS there should be 3 yrs manditory military service.


Almost like China, Iran, N. Korea, etc?


For someone who is probably afraid of this country becoming a communist state you sure are running towards your commie/dictatorship brethren.....

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I for one think that after HS there should be 3 yrs manditory military service.


Despite what others say, this is not a stupid idea. There are countries that did this and there might be some countries that still do. There are plenty of good things that will come out of it, but in the long run I do believe that it should be a choice.

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Almost like China, Iran, N. Korea, etc?


For someone who is probably afraid of this country becoming a communist state you sure are running towards your commie/dictatorship brethren.....


Its not just communist countries that do it, ignorance owns you.

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Its not just communist countries that do it, ignorance owns you.




Seems like everyone from Israel is a badass because of their mandatory service.


I wish I was forced to be badass. I had ambitions of being in the military when I was a kid then turned into an overweight lazy bitch in High School instead.

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Yes, ignorance owns me. (and Regan too):

Conscription rests on the assumption that your kids belong to the state. If we buy that assumption then it is for the state — not for parents, the community, the religious institutions or teachers — to decide who shall have what values and who shall do what work, when, where and how in our society. That assumption isn’t a new one. The Nazis thought it was a great idea.


America was founded on the principle of individual liberty — that the government exists to serve, not enslave, the people. Yet conscription is a form of slavery, a horrible and costly exception to America’s founding principle. It is morally repugnant to the ideals of a free society.

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Yes, ignorance owns me. (and Regan too):


Yes, he used the big bad nazi thing to get people to agree with him. "OOH the nazi's did it, we dont want to be like them so it must be bad" :rolleyes:


Even though some of us, including myself dont agree with it, doesnt make it a bad idea.


Also notice the map above me, notice how Australia, which some people think is a very socialist/communist like country isnt red?

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I forgot to mention that I certainly appreciate the fact that I had the freedom to decide for myself.


I'm just saying if that's the way it was (mandatory military service), maybe it wouldn't be all bad. There are a lot of people out there that could use the kind of structure and discipline offered by the military.

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Breeding some pride by making military manditory is better than breeding fat complacent internet warriors like we seem to do pretty well.


Fucking disgraceful. Get out from behind your blog and go solve some world issues. You could be out there killing terrorists or participating in humanitarian aid missions.

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I'm hoping to start out with some lowly banking job to get my foot in the door, then move up the ladder, maybe as a bank manager or something involving that field. Though my real interest is Investment Management type of stuff. I'd love to be the guy who invests rich people's money and makes a small percent off of it...


You offended me with the "lowly banking job" comment. I'm suing. :) Anyways, I started almost the same way in banking and have moved into investments. Didn't pay $40K for a piece of paper saying I was a good boy in school for 4 years to do it either. :) I love America. I am working towards a degree now though.


Anyways, I didn't read this whole thread. Stopped somewhere after this ^^^ post. My last band wrote a song called "Around Here". I can't remember all the verses but the chorus went:


Around here all the hope's sold in oil stained jars

Around here you're rich or you're nothing at all

And the future is mortgaged for profit today

Consequences be damned, it's the American way

The talking heads ponder the nature of fear

Doing nothing to make a change around here.


If I can remember the verses or find an old CD later I will. Speaks about this a ton though.

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Breeding some pride by making military manditory is better than breeding fat complacent internet warriors like we seem to do pretty well.


Fucking disgraceful. Get out from behind your blog and go solve some world issues. You could be out there killing terrorists or participating in humanitarian aid missions.


I still wouldnt want some anxiety ridden, overweight, pimple faced kid beside me in an escalated situation with a loaded weapon. I would rather have him at home writing a blog... Now if he was forced to serve the military from behind a computer I would be ok with that.

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