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sweet sweet ownage lol

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First off, some may remember a thread i made a couple weeks ago about some stupid ricer in a mazda trying to fuck with me on main street in reynoldsburg. After getting a quick little go, i was way ahead of this douche, but he pulled up next to me, 2 lanes over in the turn lane, just to yell that he would smoke me.


Fast forward to last night. My uncle is in town and wanted to drive my dads mustang, so we headed out to trails. Not 5 minutes after we get there and are parked, i look over to see that not 30 feet away from me, is that douche and his mazda. Not sure on the year, but it is a mazdaspeed protage, turbo and all. on the outside, the car is stock, except maybe the exaust, not sure.

the car also had some pillar gauges, but not sure if those are stock or not.

Anyway, at the end of the night, i made a pass and stopped to get my time slip but some one had screwed up so i had to go to the tower to get it. I cruise up and parked in the staging lanes, and ran up to get it. i keep looking out the tower to see if anyone else had come up the street car lanes yet, but no (it was dead there last night). They finally find it and i head back down. Right as soon as i get down, 3 cars pull up, one of which was this douche.


They were finishing up running the slick cars, but decided to take the lane, the other street cars were in to. The car infront of the mazda went, but he stopped when he got up next to me and waited lol.


As dumb as this all is, it made my day, because as soon as we got to run, i walked right away from him, from beginning to end.


i ran a very shitty 14.2, but he ran a 16.5. It made me mad though because i was going to say something to him when he got back to the parking lot (all night he would make 1 run and park for a while), but not he just kept hot lapping the hell out of it, so i never got to rub it in his face lol.

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Was it a younger guy with brown hair? I had a Mazda pull up to me on Broad St. little over a week ago when Mandii and I where going to the store and completely blew him away. He asked if I went to trails (had numbers on my car from Marion). He complained and said "it wasn't fair".. blah blah blah, after I beat him. lol quite funny.
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