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Android outsells Iphone in Q1 of 2010


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Awwww shit. Time to go find some iphone user and make them my bitch.


I'm no Apple fanboy, but they are about to launch a new iPhone shortly and I think alot of people are sitting tight until it's released. I think you'll see a significant rise in sales very shortly.

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I'm no Apple fanboy, but they are about to launch a new iPhone shortly and I think alot of people are sitting tight until it's released. I think you'll see a significant rise in sales very shortly.


Thats what I was thinking too, but no one on this forum can be neutral or fair about anything.

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I'm no Apple fanboy, but they are about to launch a new iPhone shortly and I think alot of people are sitting tight until it's released. I think you'll see a significant rise in sales very shortly.


That just means people dumb their old idumb for a new idumb. No actual increase in market share.

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Thats what I was thinking too, but no one on this forum can be neutral or fair about anything.



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LOL yeah, Android starts out selling iPhones when a new iPhone is due out in less than 90 days. That's like playing b-ball with a retard and calling him for double dribble. Let's revisit this graph in 90 days. The reason for iPhone sales leveling off every year in the late spring early summer couldn't be that a new model is around the corner EVERY YEAR AT THIS TIME. Congrats, Be proud.
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The reason for iPhone sales leveling off every year in the late spring early summer couldn't be that a new model is around the corner EVERY YEAR AT THIS TIME. Congrats, Be proud.


You have to drop a few hundred to have the latest, coolest, Steve Jobs reach around every 12 months. Congrats, Be proud. :)

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You have to drop a few hundred to have the latest, coolest, Steve Jobs reach around every 12 months. Congrats, Be proud. :)


Holy shit we go a whole year with a phone, fuck I have seen some people here go a month with an android phone. I mean a new one is out every 2-3 weeks. I can't keep up, every 2 weeks I hear about the new iPhone killer. You sir are a moron. Also I sell my iPhone, amazing how that shit works out. :rolleyes:

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You have to drop a few hundred to have the latest, coolest, Steve Jobs reach around every 12 months. Congrats, Be proud. :)


Holy shit we go a whole year with a phone, fuck I have seen some people here go a month with an android phone. I mean a new one is out every 2-3 weeks. You sir are a moron. Also I sell my iPhone, amazing how that shit works out. :rolleyes:



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Trowa with the double lol's


The iphone people are right, iphone sales are down because some people are waiting for the new iphone. But some of those people dont want to wait and are buying androids, the incredible is selling like hotcakes right now. I know more people who bought the Incredible than the Droid, or the Iphone for that matter.


That just means people dumb their old idumb for a new idumb. No actual increase in market share.


Well thats the same thing android people are doing, selling their G1's and MT3G's for N1's and Incredibles. Sales are sales.


Holy shit we go a whole year with a phone, fuck I have seen some people here go a month with an android phone. I mean a new one is out every 2-3 weeks. I can't keep up, every 2 weeks I hear about the new iPhone killer. You sir are a moron. Also I sell my iPhone, amazing how that shit works out. :rolleyes:


Same thing, android for android, iphone for iphone. Just because the phone looks a little different than the other one, its still an android or an iphone. I hate the term "iphone killer", its just something to get people to read their articles. What makes these phones great are the OS'. One is just greater than the other ;)

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Trowa with the double lol's


The iphone people are right, iphone sales are down because some people are waiting for the new iphone. But some of those people dont want to wait and are buying androids, the incredible is selling like hotcakes right now. I know more people who bought the Incredible than the Droid, or the Iphone for that matter.




Well thats the same thing android people are doing, selling their G1's and MT3G's for N1's and Incredibles. Sales are sales.




Same thing, android for android, iphone for iphone. Just because the phone looks a little different than the other one, its still an android or an iphone. I hate the term "iphone killer", its just something to get people to read their articles. What makes these phones great are the OS'. One is just greater than the other ;)


Holy shit an objective post, I don't even fucking believe it.

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You have to drop a few hundred to have the latest, coolest, Steve Jobs reach around every 12 months. Congrats, Be proud. :)


Steve Jobs runs a company that can actually sell phones for top dollar every 12 months through one single provider that so many complain about, while all the rest run around in the buy-one-get-one-free game. He's pretty proud alright. They are also quite profitable. Not sure about you, but I'd take Most profitable over Best selling any day.

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I have my favorites, but it doesn't mean I'm closed minded.


Open > Closed....kinda like something else...


Why do you think I am patiently waiting on the iDroid project to be ported to the 3GS? Then I can dual boot iPhone OS and Android, and won't have wasted however many hundreds of dollars I've thrown at apps at this point.

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