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Trying to use a CCW in that manner is just asking to become a statistic that you won't want to be.


There is an idiot on another forum that always says that he would shoot a thief that was running away from him down the street carrying his tv. Some people mad dumb.

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I said ccw in relations to the gil that tried to get robbed. No I would not shoot them if they broke into my car but you never know what those people have on them or what is going through their head...


Obviously they have no regard for the law or anyone but them.

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Shoot thief.


Get in car.


No parking lot cameras, no thief, no questions. :)


whitness at all surrounding stores. and not to mention the mexican resturant with all the large glass windows looking down on the movie parking lot.



try it. tell us how it goes!

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Therein lies the problem, its a Casto property. That is one fucking stingy, cheap, organization. I would suggest we all send them emails. They are some of the biggest scheisters in Columbus.


+1 on asian gourmet being the shit though. their sushi is bombtastic.

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There is an idiot on another forum that always says that he would shoot a thief that was running away from him down the street carrying his tv. Some people mad dumb.


You know, I got shit from an anti-gun dyke once for saying that I would absolutely shoot anyone that entered my house illegally or stole or defaced my property. She accused me of caring more about "stuff" than people. I told her she was absolutely fucking right.

It's not just "stuff". It's an investment of time and energy that can never be restored. It's little pieces of my life that I've spent working to acquire these things. They're not just stealing a CD player and an iPod, they're robbing me of around 35 hours of my life that I spent working to pay for them. Not to mention the hours that I spent installing them, or the hours that I spent to pay for the car they damaged getting them, or the hours that I spent maintaining and cleaning that car.

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You know, I got shit from an anti-gun dyke once for saying that I would absolutely shoot anyone that entered my house illegally or stole or defaced my property. She accused me of caring more about "stuff" than people. I told her she was absolutely fucking right.

It's not just "stuff". It's an investment of time and energy that can never be restored. It's little pieces of my life that I've spent working to acquire these things. They're not just stealing a CD player and an iPod, they're robbing me of around 35 hours of my life that I spent working to pay for them. Not to mention the hours that I spent installing them, or the hours that I spent to pay for the car they damaged getting them, or the hours that I spent maintaining and cleaning that car.


agree 100%

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