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Money.....Money capable of "buying" other allstar players to assemble a dynasty... whereas Cleveland does not have that capability.


Really? I'm not so sure. I was under the impression that Cleveland could afford, and was very willing, to keep adding greater talent and build a better team around LeBron. I could be wrong though, I hardly follow the NBA...

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I disagree completely. Cleveland's bench is great, they just don't show up during the playoffs. They have been the top 1 or 2 teams in the NBA for the past 3 years, yet can't get it done. No magic there, just failure. If Lebron is to get 90% of the praise for winning, he deserves 90% of the blame for losses.


He also is a crybaby, and is way too cocky for accomplishing NOTHING in the NBA.


Orlando Magic for me.



The Magic may be the best team in the NBA. However, calling Lebron a crybaby and saying Orlando is your team is like the pot calling the kettle black.


Howard bitches if a ref looks at him wrong!

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Money.....Money capable of "buying" other allstar players to assemble a dynasty... whereas Cleveland does not have that capability.


i'm pretty positive we're over the luxury tax right now. shaq and jamison didn't come cheap. so the money isn't the issue. cleveland teams NEVER show up in the playoffs, and when they do, they end up choking anyways, plain and simple.

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The cavs can actually offer him the most money according to ESPN, also they have more talent then any other team in the league could put around him in a year or 2. If you think NY is going to be dominant just by signing him and another big name i.e DWade, Bosh ect...you are wrong! It has been proven that no 1 or 2 players can win a championship alone, it usually takes atleast 3 good players and several good role players. Look at every team that has won a title in the last 10 years and tell me how many did it with just 2 players


Spurs: Duncan, Parker, Ginobli (wildcard Robert Horry)

Pistons: Billips, Wallace, Hamilton, Prince (wildcard Ben Wallace)

Lakers: Kobe, Fisher, O'neal (wildcard Robert Horry)

Lakers v2: Kobe, Gasol, Fisher

Celtics: Garnett, Allen, Pierce (wildcard Rajon Rondo)

Heat: DWade, Shaq, Mourning, Payton, Walker


It takes atleast 3 and honestly who is the cavs 3rd guy?

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i will say, im not someone who watches professional basketball, maybe just the finals...but the cavs are playing like shit


oh well though. its not like ohio pro teams havent disappointed us enough over the last few decades. whats another year

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I am totally disgusted at what I just saw. The cavs litterally gave up the final minute, they need to fire Mike Brown for starters because there is no fucking excuse for that. As a fan I feel cheated by the performance they gave tonight.


Lebron looks awfully happy for a guy that just lost in the playoffs yet again, gah. Go Boston, just as long as the Lakers dont win it all

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I am totally disgusted at what I just saw. The cavs litterally gave up the final minute, they need to fire Mike Brown for starters because there is no fucking excuse for that. As a fan I feel cheated by the performance they gave tonight.


I'm a Celtics fan and I feel cheated... the last 90 seconds were a joke. Lebron ran full speed down the court, jumped out of bounds and threw the ball to... Rasheed Wallace? OK... then still over a minute left, 3 possession game... no fouling? Opportunities to foul Rondo who had been atrocious from the line all night? And nothing? That was a pathetic display.

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I didn't expect much less. they have played like garbage the whole playoffs, expect for one game in boston. I think one of the commentators said it best towards the end of the game, they dance and have a great time all year and were the best team. then the playoffs come and they freeze up and play like robots. thats falls on the coach.....


with that said I don't think lebron will stay, I think taking off his jersey was very symbolic. I see him going to the Bulls, after what Rose did to them I think lebron would enjoy playing with a player of that caliber...... although I hope he stays. he has something to prove in cleveland.

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I didn't expect much less. they have played like garbage the whole playoffs, expect for one game in boston. I think one of the commentators said it best towards the end of the game, they dance and have a great time all year and were the best team. then the playoffs come and they freeze up and play like robots. thats falls on the coach.....


with that said I don't think lebron will stay, I think taking off his jersey was very symbolic. I see him going to the Bulls, after what Rose did to them I think lebron would enjoy playing with a player of that caliber...... although I hope he stays. he has something to prove in cleveland.


Agreed...his jersey was off before he hit the locker room and then he just wadded it and trashed it. Totally symbolic.


I've never seen a more passive triple double in my life. Not even close to a "special" performance. Could he stand around any more? Could he take any more jumpshots? Could he turn the ball over more? ( Almost had a quadruple double with 9 turnovers)


Lebron is all about Lebron. No midrange game, fair freethrow shooter, inconsistent outside shot. He better win a championship in the next 3 years, because he legs will start to fail and he will have nothing to fall back on to score the basketball.

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the last two games, it was like... the team knew Bron wasn't coming back. them giving up at the end of game 6 was the one of the most shocking things i've seen. with the whole NBA world watching what turned out to possibly be Lebron's last game as a Cav..... his team and himself just gave up. that make me think he may really leave... but i'm about 70/30 that he'll sign again in Cleveland.
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I'm just waiting to see what the diagnosis on the elbow really is.

I have a problem with the idea his elbow is that bad. Did you see when Big Baby was going to hit the floor anf Lebron grabbed him and kept him from the floor. That guys over 300#. Why would somebody hurting do that, much less for a player on the other team?

I think the "King" turned out to be a "Queen", an immature little baby with dreams of greatness that never materialized.

It reminds me of Obama getting the peace prize before he did anything.

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