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If they dont get it done this year, Ill go ahead and say that Cleveland will never win a NBA championship in our lifetimes.


For that matter, the Browns can be lumped in there with a Super Bowl victory as well. (But I dont give a fuck since im a Bengals fan anyway)


LeGone as ESPN stated. To some extend, I do think that he's too comfortable in Cleveland. It'll really interesting if he stay in Cleveland.


As for the Brown, they will be in the Super Bowl within the next three year. You can mark my words on this. GO CLOWNS, I meant GO BROWNS!!!:D

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then why are you posting in this thread???


Because it doesn't take an expert to see what's going on. My grandma could have watched the game and seen LeBron and the Cavs quit out there. As far as where LeBron signs, it's all just speculation and bullshit anyway.

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Mike Brown will be fired and I think LeBron will have a big say in that happening. I also think LeBron will stay in Cleveland. He has too many ties in the Akron/Cleveland area to just up and leave. I think you will see Z retire if Brown does indeed get fired.
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Here is a RUMOR I saw on another site...don't know how reliable it is.


terezowens.com is where it was found


West Sleeping with LeBron's Mom - Reason for Breakdown


From Terez Owens:


In what is truly a disturbing story, comes exclusive Terez Owens news that LeBron’s teammate Delonte West is sleeping with LeBron’s Mother Gloria James..Yes, this is the purported story coming from my source in Cleveland..My source explains the following:


”My uncle is the general contractor at the Q and has been for the last 7 years. He’s good friends with a lot of guys at the Q, including some of the bigger boys in the organization and knows Dan Gilbert personally.My uncle has been told that Delonte has been banging Gloria James (Lebron’s Mom) for some time now. Somehow Lebron found out before game four and it destroyed their chemistry and divided the team. I am not making this up, I wish it wasn’t true but it happened. .”


With Delonte West’s checkered past, LeBron can be none too pleased with his teammate and good friend hanging with his Mother… The Cavs definitely looked like a different squad from game 4 on..especially LeBron…coincidence, or did this really just happen? Maybe this is the reason LeBron’s leaving Cleveland..-TO



Crazy, I know. But Terez Owens is a pal of mine and I know has connections. He has no reason to make this up and it could be the reason for LeBron James' play in games 4, 5 & 6. Terez is also the man who broke the story of Reggie Bush & Kim Kardashian's 1st breakup; only he broke it over a week before the mainstream media ran with it.


We're going to have Terez Owens on tonight at 6:15pm Eastern. Listen in on 88.1FM in Long Island and on WCWPSports.com. Make sure you check it out. We'll post the interview later.

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