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I'm sorry people, but no....

Science Abuse

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I love when people say we pay in reference to tax dollars... Do you make enough per hour for your taxes to do anything more than put gas in the presidential suv?? If not the only thing we should see you complaining about is president not using his Giant Eagle rewards.


Why didnt you highlight medical technician? I bet she has a better job than you do.... I know enough dead beat dads to know that she could have had a nice family of 7 before daddy ran away and messed her over. Having 5 kids and needing help doesnt automatically make you a a loser. Daycare alone forces her to need help young one. Having 5 kids, sitting at home, and not trying to better your life makes you a loser. She is trying to give her kids more. I tip my hat off to that woman.. even if she is going to kill her daughter trying to give her what she wants.


I dont mind helping someone thats truly in need, but in this situation it makes me mad. she could be saving money so that maybe one day she could buy her own house or at least she could move up into renting her own place. but instead she wants to let her daughter join the rowing team where in all reality, unless she looses 100+lbs will never be able to compete. so now whatever extra money she has, she is spending on the row team instead of improving their housing situation.


btw the mother had another kid 4 years after her husband died

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I dont mind helping someone thats truly in need, but in this situation it makes me mad. she could be saving money so that maybe one day she could buy her own house or at least she could move up into renting her own place. but instead she wants to let her daughter join the rowing team where in all reality, unless she looses 100+lbs will never be able to compete. so now whatever extra money she has, she is spending on the row team instead of improving their housing situation.


btw the mother had another kid 4 years after her husband died


Overweight kids all over the world compete. She isnt the first and she wont be the last overweight person on a row team. As far as housing, she put herself in a position to where her housing situation will not be able to get better until some of those kids move out, get jobs, or she gets some help (hopefully from a guy that doesnt want any more damn kids).


Sounds to me like the daughter wanted this very bad. A good parent would bust their ass to give a kid what they want. Saying sorry you cant have fun until we can afford a house is a bit over the top. Personally, I would have spent the money on a personal trainer and made her prove to me that she really wanted it.. but thats just me.

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I think this is a story about fat people not poor or black people


so bc can't comment on this at all cuz he isn't fat


nor is he poor ... And sexual chocolate is black sorry bc you are yet again a minority

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I think this is a story about fat people not poor or black people


so bc can't comment on this at all cuz he isn't fat


nor is he poor ... And sexual chocolate is black sorry bc you are yet again a minority


Sexual chocolate!!!! :D I really think its about all of the above. If it was a big white girl there wouldnt be a story there. A big black girl in a row boat... now thats something you dont see everyday.


P.S. I used to weigh 265lbs but I've found a great new diet plan that works wonders!!!!


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