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Ms USA...


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So since we always talk about how our country has gone down the shitter and immigrants are running things here. How about Ms USA not even being a natural born citizen...


Lebanese immigrant Rima Fakih won the 2010 Miss USA title. Yes she is hot, but isn't this event called Ms USA not Ms Universe

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Seriously though, isn't there a rule that they have to be natural born citizens? I guess not. Either way I guess if she's hot enough to win and is a citizen (born here or not) I guess I'm okay with it. It's just a beauty pageant.

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I agree its just a beauty pagent and after winning the damn thing you never hear about them unless they become a coked out whore. I just think its funny that its called Ms USA and every winner prior to this has been a natural born citizen, just shows the day and age we live in.
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"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


Is she a US Citizen now? Then who the fuck cares. Shes dumb and hot and will do nothing but fuck and (hopefully) cook dinner.

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She is Persian. Just shows you how gay the fucking men are in the middle east to do this to their women:




That's just the tip of the ice berg in comparison to the other "interesting" things men have been seen and known doing.

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That's just the tip of the ice berg in comparison to the other "interesting" things men have been seen and known doing.


Fill us in. That culture seems to be wacky from my prospective. I am sure they think the same about us.

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Various man-boy/man-man love, holding of hands, among other things. If it says anything, thursdays are refered to as "Man love Thursday"

I seen a show on one of those damn cultures and how men are each others sex slaves? Then the women are just used as wives and to conceive or some shit.

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Various man-boy/man-man love, holding of hands, among other things. If it says anything, thursdays are refered to as "Man love Thursday"


No kidding? sick stuff!

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