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iPhone is better, yet another reason...


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I may be partial to the iPhone since I work for AT&T but honestly I feel as though the iPhone is much better then the droid. We carry the back flip which is a android os phone, and I also bought my wife a moto droid (since we are on a plan with her gram). Her and I both perfer the iPhone, it is the most user friendly smart phone. We are the only carrier with anough band width to support voice and data at the same time. But that's just my .02
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I may be partial to the iPhone since I work for AT&T but honestly I feel as though the iPhone is much better then the droid. We carry the back flip which is a android os phone, and I also bought my wife a moto droid (since we are on a plan with her gram). Her and I both perfer the iPhone, it is the most user friendly smart phone. We are the only carrier with anough band width to support voice and data at the same time. But that's just my .02


The backflip is a POS phone. :/ Sorry. They "detuned" it to much and its a Motorola.

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Yeah I am not impressed with the back flip at all. The droid I havnt messed with a whole lot, but havnt seen any thing that stands out to me except the open apps. My wife dosnt stop complaining about the software... Actually she was literally complaining as I started this reply lol. It was freezing up again.


I don't hate the phone, just don't feel as though it is even close to the iPhone.


Back on topic, first time I used the app my wife laughed her a$$ off when she opened the pic message.

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dude, I was watching a show called "Busted" the other day and some kid had that ID in his car and the cop busted him for fake ID... BTW, the guy was 23 so he obviously didn't need a fake ID.... I swear some people are retarded if they don't know who McLovin is!

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We are the only carrier with anough band width to support voice and data at the same time.


Incorrect. Verizon simply doesnt allow it, perhaps it has something to do with CDMA, but T-Mobile allows it as well.


The backflip, and pretty much any phone that runs blur is a cheaper phone. I don't really care for the hardware on the droid either. Noticing a pattern of motorola here?

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Lol, motorolla used to be a great phone...years ago. I havnt heard of any other company offering voice and data at the same time, unless on wifi? Looks like I will have to do some more home work.
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Lol, motorolla used to be a great phone...years ago. I havnt heard of any other company offering voice and data at the same time, unless on wifi? Looks like I will have to do some more home work.


Yeah they were good way back. They thought that satellite phones will be the wave of the future so they spent a lot of time and money diving into that. Didnt quite work out for them. Yeah I have T-Mobile and I've always been able to get voice+data at once, over 3G or wifi.

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The t-mobile rep I talked to said it is not available, but she didn't seem very knowledgable. So I did some more checking, looks like on line says it is available in a 3g area.
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Motorolla made good phones?


I had a couple Motorollas back in the early 2000's...garbage.


I think my first one with Aerial in 1998 may have been a Motorola, I can't recall if that thing was any good or not, other than it was a beast of a phone.

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