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Bad North Korea!


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U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says North Korea must face international consequences for the sinking of a South Korean warship.


Speaking in the Japanese capital, Clinton said Friday that the U.S., Japan, South Korea and China are consulting on an appropriate reaction to an international investigation that blamed North Korea for the incident. She says the report proves a North Korean sub fired a torpedo that sank the ship and that it could no longer be "business as usual" in dealing with the matter.


North Korea denies it was responsible for the March sinking and has threatened to retaliate against any attempt to punish it with "all-out war."


So, I'm kinda curious on this one. I would assume North Korea, being who they are, would lavish in the fact they sunk a ship. Now, they have denied any part of the sinking, even though partial serial numbers from the pieces of torpedo, were said to have been one known to be manufactered and sold in N.Korea. Granted U.N sanctions are pretty damn worthless, but what military do they want to send? 50,000 on the DMZ ain't bad, but ain't enough. Guess the Boy Scouts and the WNBA will get mobilized...

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They also denied shooting down a passenger plane in the past when it was proven to be North Korea. This is par for the course.


Just seems real odd, like there could be the possibility of a 3rd party playing in this. I say this because it seems like N.Korea seems pretty proud of its Navy and not to mention, little victories against S.Korea/Allies. Like for instance the USS Pueblo is still up there in Pyongyang for all to see, after they hijacked the boat from us.

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They talk alot of shit until they get actually busted crossing a line. They deny the acts because they don't want war; as zealous as they are, they know they wont last against the modern militaries.

They also deny the acts because they know they don't have to fess up; we already know they did it, and that's what counts. If they ever start getting serious, it will be because the have the backing of the PRC.... or deployable nukes.


It really is some schoolyard bullshit.

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Just seems real odd, like there could be the possibility of a 3rd party playing in this.


I just read that article too, and was thinking of the newer James Bond movie where that news guy does something kind of like that to provoke a war. Little do we know, James Bond is saving the world from war as we speak!

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With Seoul in range of all the North's artillary, absolutly nothing will come of this. The South dosent want a war, and the U.S. wont let them get into one. Just gonna be a bunch of sabre rattling unfortunately
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No worse than the clown that was there before him and no worse of a clown that could of been.



Well, at least Bush's foreign policy wasn't just straight up "I hope they miss"

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With Seoul in range of all the North's artillary, absolutly nothing will come of this. The South dosent want a war, and the U.S. wont let them get into one. Just gonna be a bunch of sabre rattling unfortunately


Being a Combat Engineer, I know both Camp Castle and Camp Casey (Both full of Combat Engineers ready to blow shit up) are right on the DMZ. Granted, there's tons of mines of all types, not to mention many obstacles to get through.


As I predict a conflict with Korea, this is how it sounds to me it'll play out:

(ROK = Republic of Korea aka South Korea)

N.Korea - launches rockets/artillery at us.

ROK/US - Retaliates with our own fire.

N.Korea - Takes to the sky

ROK/US - Dominate the sky

N.Korea - Ships and submarines play in the water

ROK/US - Sends ships and subs to play in this game

N.Korea - Breaks through DMZ to start push to Seoul

ROK/US - Hold ground and beats them back

N.Korea - Nuke time

ROK/US - Counter nuke w/Patriot/AAMRAM etc..


North Korea outnumbers us, not to mention with our forces drawn all over, it would take forever to reposition forces to stop an offensive of a large scale. Granted, this time IF North Korea were to take that step, China won't be adding to their numbers on the ground and in the air.

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Well, at least Bush's foreign policy wasn't just straight up "I hope they miss"


No, his policy was "make shit up to get us on the ground, then just kinda leave it up to the Military to figure out how to actually win... then leave it up to some one else."


You're confusing " A guy that gets stuff done" with "a guy that starts shit he can't finish". Brilliant strategy.


Being a Combat Engineer, I know both Camp Castle and Camp Casey (Both full of Combat Engineers ready to blow shit up) are right on the DMZ. Granted, there's tons of mines of all types, not to mention many obstacles to get through.

"Carnival of Thermobarrics". Should take care of the jungle, the mines, and the traps. Do we have enough to pave a way all the way to The Great Leaders bunker?

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