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Bad North Korea!


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I can see the mindset coming from the public's perspective. Coming out of my end on the ground, it's like a UFC fight with both arms tied behind your back sometimes, where as other times you bring the gun to a knife fight. The RULES OF ENGAUGEMENT over here are ridiculous. Those in charge, (Generals with too many stars) decide these policies, when in most cases, they're made for political reasons. Do we want to harm/hurt/kill innocent civilians? NO WAY, but in times we need to freedom of operation, when these cowards hide within the population. It seems now, most commisioned officers within authority are too busy trying to keep the world's opinion of us favorable, when not to mention we play by every rule in the book. They like to hold us back, for the true might tends to be a bit of "overkill" as they call it.


For inst


Stop Im drunk, have fun. Banged an air force skank


Ummm.. I think you just agreed with me... How drunk are you?

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^let is go, man. Bush has been gone for a year and a half and things are worse. That's the point. The lame "blame bush" mantra is played out


You don't get what's going one when people "blame Bush", do you? We're nto blaming Bush, we're blaming you. All of you people who claim to be experts and know-it-alls, it was your judgement that elected that moron, so every time you claim to have the answers, you get reminded about your mistake.


Yes, it's been over a year, and it's going to take longer than that fix what was broken. The guy actually admitted to engagine in tactics to postpone the recession until he left office... which made it worse.



You keep droning on about the "military industrial complex" Again, I am prone to agree with you on this one. However, your boy expanded the whole operation in contrast to his campaign rhetoric so I dont see anything to really be proud of. However, he made his decision after months of waffleing and our military suffered because of indecision.

Yeah god forbid any thought be put into deploying our troops. Check your facts on the "expanded teh whole operations", because..... wait, you're knocking Barry for something that you loved W for doing? Things are getting awfully transparent, lots of people just tow the old line; "it's right when we do it, nto when you do."


Wait, I thought you said there were no WMDs in Iraq? Wasnt that your basis for the huge mistake of being there?

Wow you really like things to be simple, do you?

We know they had chemical weapons in the 80's, we kept the receipts. They spent them on Iran. We also knew that were lacking the ability to produce them or any other WMDs on thier own. The only time they had them is when they were given them.... which was almost 30 years ago. All that info is in official CIA reports that you never read because they go against what you want to beleive.

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North Korea unfortunately is a nuclear capable country that has tested its arsenal a few times without warning.

But were those weapons determined to be deployable? IIRC they were low yeild, and it was theorized that their detonation aparatus was the size of a two-car garage.

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DMZ huh? Lots of landmines and obstacles that would make it hard on a force that would have to travel over land to get through it? Sounds like you need a division that could board a type of vehicle that could go over it and land safely on the other side. Where could we ever find something like that?
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DMZ huh? Lots of landmines and obstacles that would make it hard on a force that would have to travel over land to get through it? Sounds like you need a division that could board a type of vehicle that could go over it and land safely on the other side. Where could we ever find something like that?


You're talking about the 101st Airborne and UH-60 Blackhawks or CH-47 Chinooks? :p A jump into North Korea would be something else, I'll stick to my armored vehicles.

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N Korean know that no-one want any piece of them. Their government is so corrupt, their military is lawless again their own people, their citizens are so brainwashed and abused that they think the rest of the world and S Korean are devils.....The government know that they have nothing to lose, so they will continue to stir the pot every now and then to get attention. Even China think that N Korea is F..king nuts. A unified Korea would destroy the S Korea economy because the N Korean would be unfit to leave in a normal society. N Korean are so brainwashed that they pray to Kim Yoong Ill, he's their god.


I don't think it's hard to take down the N Korean government, but then who would want to fix that mess? So that's why they are still exist and continue to stir the pot.

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DMZ huh? Lots of landmines and obstacles that would make it hard on a force that would have to travel over land to get through it? Sounds like you need a division that could board a type of vehicle that could go over it and land safely on the other side. Where could we ever find something like that?


Giant Catapults?





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You're talking about the 101st Airborne and UH-60 Blackhawks or CH-47 Chinooks? :p A jump into North Korea would be something else, I'll stick to my armored vehicles.


I would love to jump from either helicopter, hell I am still waiting to jump from a c17

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You don't get what's going one when people "blame Bush", do you? We're nto blaming Bush, we're blaming you. All of you people who claim to be experts and know-it-alls, it was your judgement that elected that moron, so every time you claim to have the answers, you get reminded about your mistake.


Because Al Gore was the answer...


Yes, it's been over a year, and it's going to take longer than that fix what was broken. The guy actually admitted to engagine in tactics to postpone the recession until he left office... which made it worse.


I thought unemployment wouldnt go over 8% if the Stimulus Bill passed? Oh yeah, that's right...another failed govt solution.



Yeah god forbid any thought be put into deploying our troops. Check your facts on the "expanded teh whole operations", because..... wait, you're knocking Barry for something that you loved W for doing? Things are getting awfully transparent, lots of people just tow the old line; "it's right when we do it, nto when you do."


Oh so indecisiveness is now "careful thought?" Maybe I missed something (according to you I miss alot) but didnt Barry campaign on ending the war and not escalating it?


Wow you really like things to be simple, do you?

We know they had chemical weapons in the 80's, we kept the receipts. They spent them on Iran. We also knew that were lacking the ability to produce them or any other WMDs on thier own. The only time they had them is when they were given them.... which was almost 30 years ago. All that info is in official CIA reports that you never read because they go against what you want to beleive.


I'm a pretty simple guy. It's hard to keep up with the liberal elite like yourself. I'm sorry, I just should have simply googled "CIA REPORTS" My bad. Everyone one of "you people" screamed to high heaven about no WMDs.


When things start to get better, please let me know. I would hate to miss something.

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You wonder why no one takes you seriously? :p You don't read; the link is reporting on a poll they found on Fox News... who are supposed to be on your side.


I used to take you seriously until you started posting links to http://www.littlegreenfootballs.com that hyperlinked to foxnews.com unscientific polls like the one you just did.


That link was probably linked to the huffington post and sabotaged. You probably think that true conservative/republicans actually nominated John McCain :)

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I used to take you seriously until you started posting links to http://www.littlegreenfootballs.com that hyperlinked to foxnews.com unscientific polls like the one you just did.

You pratz, I posted it as an example of how unscientific polls are, the same drum I've been beating since polls got mentioned here. You're not even paying attention, you're jsut here to argue.


Linked to the huffington post and sabotaged? It's at the bottom of their main page right-now: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/index.html

Scroll down, only 12.6% of poll takers think discrimination is wrong.

Quote, from me in this thread: "The people that take part in those surveys aren't an accurate barometer for public opinion. "


So either you're saying I'm wrong and the polls are right... which means only 12.6% of Fox Viewers are decent human beings.... or you have absolutely no idea what's going on, and you're just around to oppose everything I say without actually reading it.


John Mcain represented the Moderate conservative, which means he was not the shithouse crazy kind that the "real conservatives" like. I don't care who nominated him, I'm just glad it was him that had a shot at the Whitehouse and not some frothing-at-the-mouth moron like Palin. I voted for him in the 2000 primaries and didn't vote for him in 2009 specifically because people like Palin do not belong in public office and should never be "a heartbeat from the whitehouse". I wouldn't trust her to run a Taco Bell.

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What part of this is racist???? The government has no place in private business, thus why we partake in capitalism.



Is federal intervention in private business okay if it’s to prevent discrimination?



No, the federal government shouldn’t decide whether businesses can select their own customers: 72.5%


I agree with that statement 100%, because the Federal Government should NOT step into private business. 15% in South Carolina oppose the CRA, and..........? Not every state in the union still likes being in it.

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You pratz, I posted it as an example of how unscientific polls are, the same drum I've been beating since polls got mentioned here. You're not even paying attention, you're jsut here to argue.


Linked to the huffington post and sabotaged? It's at the bottom of their main page right-now: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/index.html

Scroll down, only 12.6% of poll takers think discrimination is wrong.

Quote, from me in this thread: "The people that take part in those surveys aren't an accurate barometer for public opinion. "


So either you're saying I'm wrong and the polls are right... which means only 12.6% of Fox Viewers are decent human beings.... or you have absolutely no idea what's going on, and you're just around to oppose everything I say without actually reading it.


John Mcain represented the Moderate conservative, which means he was not the shithouse crazy kind that the "real conservatives" like. I don't care who nominated him, I'm just glad it was him that had a shot at the Whitehouse and not some frothing-at-the-mouth moron like Palin. I voted for him in the 2000 primaries and didn't vote for him in 2009 specifically because people like Palin do not belong in public office and should never be "a heartbeat from the whitehouse". I wouldn't trust her to run a Taco Bell.


Master word twister. I'm saying the "poll" to which you are referring was probably linked to every liberal blog (LIKE LITTLEGREENFOOTBALLS.COM) in the country and the "results" are dramatically skewed because its a chance to make fox news seem racist. I think you are confused by poll and internet survey any way. I still disagree with your premise about polling though. It can be done with a legit sample and give somewhat accurate readings when done correctly.


The whole question is loaded. And yes, I'm disagreeing with a fox news question. Govt should not be able to tell you how to run your business. One would be a fool to exclude any ethnic group just based on the pure economics of the situation. Those pesky market based solutions really chap your ass, dont they?


Moderate anything loses every time. You have to stand for something or you will fall for anything. That's why it drives you nuts that the liberal agenda is failing and people are waking up to the same old song and dance that woodrow wilson started. The "astro turf" movement described by Polosi has even generated a conservative victory in Barry's hometown.


November can't come soon enough. BTW, I hope Barry enjoys his vacation the weekend. Rumor has it he wont be attending Arlington this year. Something to keep an eye on.


Also, what is a pratz?

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That's why it drives you nuts that....


How do you know what drives me nuts? You're a textbook arguer, you think you know me because I disagree with you. You think only leftist extreemist disagree with you, and that is not the case. Each side has pro's and cons, I don't give a shit about a liberal agenda, I veiw things on a case by case basis.


And yes; the law should be able to tell you how to run your buisness, within certain boundaries. You don't realize that you're asking for anarchy, monopolies, and unscrupulous buisness practices. Capitalism requires laws, it would fail without them.

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You're a textbook arguer, you think you know me because I disagree with you.


Capitalism requires laws, it would fail without them.


This textbook arguer would say it (capitalism)is going to fail because of too many of them.


Still no answer on the pratz front?

Edited by OSUGT
hasnt failed quite yet
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