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How to make CR better.


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Maybe a family account type thing, every so often you donate 5 bucks or 20 bucks. Then as a group we decide group gatherings, BBQ's, cedar point, Tail of the dragon trips, I dunno just an idea. It works really well on the nissan site im on. Maybe setting up city vs city racing at tracks, home and away?
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Have the mods enforce keeping threads on topic bans deletions ect


X2 on having more cr gatherings mabey once or twice a year plan a big bbq at a park so its more of a family thing.


Anthony did it great with more local track days this year.


Mabey have a built in spell checker :p

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I think more meets would be awesome. I don't have any other suggestions at this time. I like the way the site is. But like anything that is public is going to have 12,000 suggestions. It's like a retail environment, it's never going to be perfect for everyone.
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There is a track day in the works for city versus city racing. It's September 17th.


I thought about the donation thing, but don't wanna charge people on CR to be a member.

do a cook out somewhere and charge $10 a person, take half for food/drinks and the other half for donations to whatever charity etc....

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X2 on having more cr gatherings mabey once or twice a year plan a big bbq at a park so its more of a family thing.




I am working on a few things for this summer. Like a CR BBQ, Photo Day, the next Gearhead Gathering car show and a Cruise. :)

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There is a track day in the works for city versus city racing. It's September 17th.


I thought about the donation thing, but don't wanna charge people on CR to be a member.


You don't have to but I belive ohio riders used to have it there was a donations button. Keep it strictly confidential an if people wanna contribute they can, if they don't threy don't.


Might be a thought.


Btw making me would be a way to make cr better :)


I still vote for a spell check it would make u alls life better :lol:

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Like Corvette Forum and SVTP we need to have a few classes, basic members (allowed basics of CR), Silver Member (annual fee, more benefits, access to more domain), Gold Member (larger annual fee, etc..)


This would incorporate more money into CR thus allowing us to give more back to the community. I think philanthropy should be a part of CR allowing us to give back to the community. Maybe get some good vibes from the media.


Also I believe as a member it's on you to spread the word of CR, tell anyone and everyone. We need to take it down a notch in the Oven. Yes mods and admins rely on the members to interrogate the new applicant but just because they need a day to post pictures doesnt mean we need 25 people bitching at them to post pictures and that they fail and are pieces of shit. Help them become a better member. If you see someone has already informed them of this in the thread leave it alone. I try to keep tabs on the oven and with 48 hours if they have not met the criteria or atleast made an attempt to follow the rules I ban and lock the thread. Lets bring a more positive vibe to the site.


We all know there are certain little clicks on the site just like any other small based community. And not saying that is bad but as a car community we need to take better steps in coming together as a group. I try to carry myself on here just as I do in person. Anyone that knows me outside of CR can tell you this. I am 100% willing to help take CR to the next level of car community.

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Yes mods and admins rely on the members to interrogate the new applicant but just because they need a day to post pictures doesnt mean we need 25 people bitching at them to post pictures and that they fail and are pieces of shit. Help them become a better member. If you see someone has already informed them of this in the thread leave it alone. I try to keep tabs on the oven and with 48 hours if they have not met the criteria or atleast made an attempt to follow the rules I ban and lock the thread. Lets bring a more positive vibe to the site..



Defentally less bs sections would be nice keep it more car related?

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If someone's account has been idle for more than 6 months, delete it. Don't know how that would help anything, just gets rid of dead weight. I like the idea where there is stratification on the sight. Those that contribute in helping ect. can see more of the site or something along those lines. I like the idea of BBQ's and such. I loved Docs gathering last year, with the dyno and food. All in all i like the online community, even if it isnt cars all day everyday. If anyone need help with cars, this is the place to be. But if they want to bullshit till pewp comes out of their face, this is the place as well.


I love what's going on up at the track in Marion. Those are some cool guys and i think we need to make good ties with them so we can keep the racing off the streets for the most part. Is there a way that we could help each other out in return for track time, CR grudge meet? I think its one of the best things to happen for this community that many i feel don't know about yet. Im hoping they get more and more people out there because it is great racing/smoking/yelling/cussing at each other for 4 solid hours.

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The only time I have met anyone on here is at dyno days, and track days, spread out over 2 1/2 years, so I don't really know anyone. If there would be actual cr meets, that were planned more than a day ahead of time, that I could plan to go to, I would probably go to all of them, even though they are at least an hour away.
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the site is called columbus racing! and i dont see hardly anything here to do with racing!!! i know that there are CR track days but something else needs to happen also.. even odra is putting on a grudge race every 2weeks and that form is small! the form needs to be about racing or cars not how paul is gay or how phil is gay.


there needs to be more races and car meets with everyone. not a friday night im bored thing!

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Guest tbutera2112

shit like this should be cleaned up




dude made a legit intro, with a clean car....he didnt post pics right away, so someone talked some shit, and then mob mentality kicked in even after pics were posted....i dont even know that noob, but how the hell are we supposed to grow if we treat new members this way?

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Already taken care of.


shit like this should be cleaned up




dude made a legit intro, with a clean car....he didnt post pics right away, so someone talked some shit, and then mob mentality kicked in even after pics were posted....i dont even know that noob, but how the hell are we supposed to grow if we treat new members this way?

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