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Works for me! Little pricey when insurance didnt cover it, but Ive been smoke free for 5 days now. Only side effects have been vivid dreams and bubble gut. LOL


I didnt follow the directions and I smoked the complete first week and half of the second. Finally, I stopped at WalMart and bought Blow Pops, Tootsie Pops, Werther Originals and Jolly Ranchers to abide my time in the car.


I noticed an instant decrease in cravings. I grew up poor white trash from Kentucky so smoking is in my genes and have been doing so since I was 13 and have been for 15 yrs straight. Srsrly.


I feel alot better now.

Yesterday my family and I went on a nature outing. Normally a flight of stairs winds me. At 6' 165lbs you'd look at me and think I was in good shape...not when it comes to breathing. I was good all day though.



I hope this helps someone make that change also.

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I've been trying to quit for a month now. That chantix stuff kicked my ass, the second week I slept for about 1-2 hours a night so I quit taking it. I have went from 1 1/2 packs a day to 3-5 cigs a day since then. It's one of the hardest things to not do.
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One of the side affects to half the meds out there are suicidal thoughts, you just have to know to stop taking it if you develop them and you'll be fine. I work in a pharmacy and i know a lot of people who have stopped by using Chantix. It is pricey, but I saw someone who had smoked for 30 years take it for a month, and quit completely. Definitely worth the $120 or so dollars.
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I relapsed today. Malboro Red tasted like shit! Yep...I'm done. Only after 6-7 days. I also dropped down to one pill a day to try it out. No change, so this should save me some money as I can take the pill longer.
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My Dr. gave me a script for it. I was gonna try it until I read one of the side effects was suicidal thoughts.



Killing your family would be worse. My wife did some research and read aloud all of the horror stories. I started the next day lol.

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i have a buddy up in detroit that went on it and said he had some pretty fucked up dreams


lucky for me (i guess), i have asthma, so its never something i picked up. and now both my parents have quit over the years, i know one of my brothers did, but im not sure about the other. even if he hasnt, 1/6 people is better than 4/6 that it was at.

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