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FS: OCZ Vertex 30gb SSD drive


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I had 3 in raid 0, keeping 2 and selling 1.. going with a couple of the new ones for my i7 machine.

If you have to ask what these are then you really dont need one..

If you would like I can update the firmware to the newest 1.5 as well.. or if you really want I can even help you install it in a laptop or desktop.


EDIT: I just created a completely stripped down fully functional version of Win7 64bit Ultimate that I will include for your "evaluation". This will save you 5gb on the main drive right there.







Edited by dragknee66
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+1 for SSD! These things are awesome! I was hesitant to pay so much for so little space, but I pulled the trigger. I have one in my Core i7 build, and wow, just amazing. My PC boots in 15 seconds. I can't even imagine what it's like in RAID. That's just wrong.


For those who think this is too small, the idea is you put your OS and important programs on this, and your data and other programs on a regular HDD. Back in the day people said a memory upgrade was the single biggest speed boost you could do on a computer, now it's SSD.

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Im shocked I still have this.


The average to large file read speeds on my factory drive were about 35mb per sec

With this SAME drive in my laptop Im now seeing about 220mb per sec reads.


Some one will be very happy with this when sold :D

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