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yamaha is beast!


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well as some might of heard a friend of mine layed my yzf600r down last night at about 70mph :bangbang: no worries the guy is fine an walked away with nothing but his pride a little broken :lol: no broken bones no road rash not even a single scrape was wearing full gear an helmet to protect him.

an on to the bike :( .....................






well the bike is a freaking champ!!! even know it was layed down at such a high rate of speed there was no damage (cept a small dent on the tank) we were able to buff out all but a few of the scratches an it shifted the fairings over due to a bracket being bent. bent that back an wala ... this is just a true testimate that goes to show that once again YAMAHA IS THE SHITS! that's why all my stuff is has an always will be YAMAHA


this is preety much something we couldn't get out...





you cant even tell that there's any issues booyah!!!!






you might be a red neck if ....






odd thing is wasent mad at all ...i actually laughed an made fun of him :bangbang: its just a bike it can be replaced just glad he was safe.


thanks also for alex fire crotch an chad starkmaster with helping him out.

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