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Time to upgrade video card--(in othe words..mine died)


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Looking for an decent gaming card.. in the 100-150 price range.


Currently i have an 8800GT XLR8 From PNY, that has lasted me close to 3 years. It took a nice little crap last night, and made me sad, because its always been a great card. I guess it worked its little heart out.


Current Specs


q6600 Quad Core

4GB DDr2 (which WOULD have been upgraded to 8 .. but NOOO my Graphics card decides ITS ready for an upgrade... damn bugger)

EVGA nForce 750i SLi board

Power supply currently is 650 or 700W.. i cant recall exactly..


Dual Monitors- 1920 x 1080max res


Usage-- Photoshop,Lightroom, Gaming (warcraft, CC3/4 and other higher end graphic games)


I have considered just doing a minor upgrade to say the 9800GTX which is a decent card, and can still be had, afaik, pretty cheaply.. but i don't also want to be 3years behind in technology, nor do i want to have to upgrade in a year either..


I also understand that my usages really require 2 different types of cards.. but i will still lean towards the gaming end of the spectrum.


So what say you!

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