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College Football - 2010

Dr. Pomade

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Too bad you keep trying to imply I meant something that I didn't.


So criticizing one of the best single season QB performances in OSU history the way he has is what? Pryor will go down as the most prolific offensive player in OSU history and having him suspended is "addition by subtraction". That's pretty a stupid thing to "objectively" say now isn't it?


I didn't say you had to be, but some of the criticism some of these guys make you just have to step back and say "now wait, just who the hell are you". I would suspect that you wouldn't want someone who has read a ton of blogs and watched you work telling you how to do your job, why is it any different with these guys?


Dude, come on, I was trying to give you some credit with the double bind comment. It could even be construed as a compliment. In a wonderful stroke of irony, you decide to just keep arguing. This is me laughing at you.


Also, is it possible for you to answer a question directly? Christ, talking to you is like herding cats.


So, it's okay for Pryor to criticize Herbstreit but not the other way around? Wait, take away the question mark - those things tend to confuse you. Let's just leave it as a statement and move on.


OMFG, this might be REALLY HARD TO FATHOM, but OHIO STATE FOOTBALL MIGHT BE BETTER WITHOUT PRYOR. *gasp!* I'm not sure how they managed to win any games before he came along and when he graduates I bet they'll just close down the football program. AMIRITE? Shit, another question mark. Forget that last part.


I could see where someone - anyone! - could say that the team might be better off without Pryor. I highlighted might for you. I hope that helps you not misinterpret something else I've said. Is it okay for someone to have an opinion different than yours? Fuck me, I've done it again - the question mark. Nevermind.

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Dude, come on, I was trying to give you some credit with the double bind comment. It could even be construed as a compliment. In a wonderful stroke of irony, you decide to just keep arguing. This is me laughing at you.


Also, is it possible for you to answer a question directly? Christ, talking to you is like herding cats.


So, it's okay for Pryor to criticize Herbstreit but not the other way around? Wait, take away the question mark - those things tend to confuse you. Let's just leave it as a statement and move on.


OMFG, this might be REALLY HARD TO FATHOM, but OHIO STATE FOOTBALL MIGHT BE BETTER WITHOUT PRYOR. *gasp!* I'm not sure how they managed to win any games before he came along and when he graduates I bet they'll just close down the football program. AMIRITE? Shit, another question mark. Forget that last part.


I could see where someone - anyone! - could say that the team might be better off without Pryor. I highlighted might for you. I hope that helps you not misinterpret something else I've said. Is it okay for someone to have an opinion different than yours? Fuck me, I've done it again - the question mark. Nevermind.



Jesus christ you are a stupid ass. Never said it wasn't ok for Herbie to criticize Pryor, but I thought we were talking about Pryor's comments back towards Herbie. So I guess I should be the one asking you, is it ok for Pryor to criticize Herbie?


The rest of your post is absolutely retarded.


Good day.


BTW, Pryor is the best offensive player that OSU has EVER had. That is why the rest of your post is retarded. Never said that there wouldn't be someone better in the future, but we are talking about who is there now aren't we? So taking away Pryor a magic football genie brings OSU a QB that will surpass everything Pryor has accomplished....

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(Given the situation, though, Pryor should keep his argument to what they can do on the field, and Herbie should stick to questions regarding eloquence and intelligence.)



I HIGHLY agree with this.

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To interject, it was I who originally stated that I believed Herbie's opinions to be objective, and I stand by my statement. Given the information that I have, which I would consider maybe one rung higher than a casual fan, Herbie comes off as an intelligent, informed analyst who loves his alma mater but wants to see them be better. I know none of these people personally, and if you hear Herbie talking in his sleep about how much he despises the B1G, and tOSU, then you have insider info that I do not. Also, stop sleeping with the guy, he has a family.


Honestly, as much as I truly believe (and have heard from people who would know) that there is a bit of a rift between Herbie and OSU, I do like what he does on/for ESPN outside of his unnecessary jabs at his alma mater (note the word "unnecessary"). He does his research and is well-spoken but his anti-OSU sentiment is bothersome given his history (he was a captain here for fuck's sake).


Since you're owning up to saying you think his opinion is objective, let's focus on his final AP vote. Since I don't feel like typing too much more on the matter take a look at this article pointing out some truly puzzling rankings from his final AP ballot...




And the only somewhat public explanation from Herbie thus far is that he was half asleep when he filled out his ballot. I say semi-public because I believe that was texted to Bruce Hooley then Hooley said it on the air.


Fowler, who must have been half asleep with Herbie, was the other person to vote us 9th in the final AP poll (the lowest rankings out of any voters in the AP poll - every single other voter in the country had us higher). His explanations on Twitter have been high comedy. Said we were lucky to win the Sugar Bowl (can't entirely disagree with that considering what happened in the 2nd half) then justified having Alabama ahead of us in his final poll by citing the fact that they were up 24-0 on Auburn... a game they ended up choking away and losing. It's really pretty incredible all around.

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He's taking a paycut by going pro!! He will be one of the top WR/TE's taken in this years draft. Lmfao those are a couple of the things I have heard people say about him. I don't like the big block headed bastard. I think he is highly over rated and a system qb. People comparing him to Vince Young or Mike Vick, crack me the fuck up.
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Auburn ran an offensive system a lot like Northwesterns, especially in the passing game, with the Read 1-2-run system. If NW can get 7-9 wins with that system and 2 and 3 star players, it obviously works very well with 4 and 5 star players. Tebow did it a lot of years with many different guys and had a more in depth offensive system. Auburn just basically ran 2 hot reads then wanted Cam to take off running every passing play. The only time he REALLY had to read a defense was when running the zone read
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I did that during the 2009 season. Not so much during the 2010 season. Half his picks this year came in garbage time trying to force TD's to guys like Taurian Washington or padding his stats.


Any longer throws for the duration of Pryor's suspension next season will probably be cringe-worthy once again though...lol.

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