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The Human Centipede.


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This movie sucked, dont bother wasting your time or money to see it. I was told it was one of the scariest and disturbing movies yet, that was a lie though. Just thought i would fore warn everyone.
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I just came from Blockbuster looking for it and they don't have it.. I'm assuming they won't stock it because of the sheer horror?


yea no one carries it that i know of, you gotta get it on demand. again though, not worth it. everyone hyped it up to me but i wasnt a fan.

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How big of a geek do you have to be, to even post about this mentaly chalenged movie? BTW there is a part 2 in the works.


how big of a geek do you have to be to know that theres a part 2 in the works? lol:gtfo:

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