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Sleeping giant?


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Figured this is one of those times where it's a seemingly real possibility, policies could be placed into effect. I tend to try to stay current on NRAILA.org, but knowing how our system tends to work, I don't think everything is brought to the table. Shockingly enough, there is international push to infringe upon rights, not to mention Mexico's president blaming America in general for their weapon's problem with the drug lords. I kinda bring this up because you don't see much in the aspect of the Anti-Gun laws at the moment. With all the oil spills, health care bills, gays in the military, and regulated emissions on vehicles. I read this article that was pretty good:



I'm hoping that the silence means these people in power to make/change laws and policies, have now educated themselves. But, looking into the majority of those in power at the moment, their track records are pretty shady. Opinions on this?

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My thoughts,


I bought a gun once I had a child, so I can protect her! That is bat shit crazy that nobody who has a child could own a gun. Hey pedobear, come take my kid, I can't do anything about it.


Fuck them, now that I have one, let them come take it from me. I don't see any Police officer or military personnel going door to door collecting guns. If it does happen, I see it as being the second civil war.

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Here's my prediction...


You won't hear much if any talk about new gun control until after November 2010. Maybe a few comments to "test the waters" but nothing serious.


Then, sometime between November and December 2010, there will be a horrible gun related incident (school shooting or the like) and the current powers that be will try to take advantage of the media blitz and push through a new AWB. They might even try another angle and go after ammo by taxation or some other type of regulation, depending on what they learned in the "testing the waters" phase.

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I think the powers that be understand that it is difficult right now in light of other major current events happening to be overly concerned with a constitutional right. Eventhough he says things like it's open for discussion, etc I just can't see him doing much at the moment. As far as the Mexican government raising questions about things going from our border to theirs, I really would think that would be low on the priority list too, because we are not being directly affected by that idiocy.


The libs will always want to do things and talk a lot about it, but I just can't see them getting much done right now. If Joe Biden can't even get his foremost agenda across then I don't see anything happening in the near future. The NRA can and will always try to stop this nonsensical shit from occurring. It makes me so mad that the majority of the population who didn't have a clue about stuff now rush to fuss about their rights being infringed when everything was right there in front of their face. WTF do you expect when you know Biden's background?


I would like to say we're safe for now, but knowing Libs will tell you they always have something up their sleeves.

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