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Computer for Internet on TV?


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So... I have been thinking of building a PC to use on our TV. Wireless is a must, as well as a decent video card. What kind of CPU and RAM should I go use? I will most likely be using Win XP so, a Min of 1GB will be used.


Anything else I should think of / look at / consider?



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- They make specific cases for media center PC's


- I would personally run Windows 7 - XP is really outdated at this point. Businesses are even migrating to Win 7 now


- Noise is a concern - you want a quiet fan setup. Get a good power supply that is known for low noise levels, quiet video card, and an aftermarket heat sink with a quiet fan. Silence is a must.


- Specs totally depend on what you will be using this for. Playing Blu-rays? Using it as a DVR? Gaming? Web surfing is a given.


- Get a Bluetooth card as well, so you can use a Bluetooth keyboard/mouse, and sit where you want without issue.

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- Specs totally depend on what you will be using this for. Playing Blu-rays? Using it as a DVR? Gaming? Web surfing is a given.



I had NEVER even thought about BR's or DVR....


Gaming... no so much....


Basically - I am looking for the Internet on my TV. Youtube, Forums, browsing and, of course, PORN! :)



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I've been growing more interested in these little things lately. Cheap, small, has HDMI out.




Does all the basic stuff you want it for, and handles video specifically well.






No do not buy an Intel atom. You will hate how slow it is when you start watching an HD Movie and try to multitask. Browsing CR while it plays in background would run slooow.

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Intel Atom 1.6 Dual Core with I forget which video chipset is the bare minimum for smoothly running youtube and hulu. Single core won't cut it.


Normally I recommend going with pretty much anything over Dell, but these simply can't be beat for an HTPC unless you need insane amounts of HD space:


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Mini itx socket. 1156 mobo in a small case with a core i3 proc, 2 gb ram, and a HDD. No vid card required. Will be very similar to my HTPC and will process any kind of HD video and any kind of HD audio no prob. Multitasks fine too. I've done my research on Atoms and decided against.


PS: surfing the internet on my 60" HDTV from my couch kind of sucks. I much prefer using my lappy.

Edited by JaSSon
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If you get an atom, get a ION board..


It would be pretty stupid to get an atom at all with i3 prices how they are. A atom and integrated graphics (a 945 chipset) will not power video at fullscreen.


A i3 with DXVA can do bluray without a lot of trouble.

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