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Drunk Ginger


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So, graduation was yesterday and for my open house my parents decided a keg would be a good idea. Woke up yesterday morning the the site of a half keg in my kitchen (win). After graduation the ginger and i came back to the open house at my house, and after waiting till my grandparents left we started to drink. It was myself, Alex, both our girl friends, my brothers, parents, and a couple other friends sitting around the bon fire, and after a few drinks alex starts getting louder and louder. 2 hours later of going drink for drink with my girlfriend he suddenly became dead silent. We heard the gurgle followed by the deep breathing we all know, and then puke... Right about then i went inside with the girl and tried to get her to sleep. About 4 hours later i woke up and found my brothers and alex still by the fire, his head between his knees. He'd been puking the entire time i was gone, which was about 13 times. Once we knew he was done we walked him into my basement and let him sleep.


Woke up this morning to go to the bathroom and something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye, it was the ginger, on my couch, passed out, upstairs, with different pants on then what we had left him in the basement with...





And the result of the 13 times puking was this





Oh yeah and just to let you guys know, my girlfriend whos about 60lbs lighter than alex, and who went drink for drink with him never puked once. :cool:

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Honestly i thinks that stupid when parents do that to be the cool parents. When you turn 21 youll realize its not that cool anymore :(


Alex send my the pictures lol






Thanks for the invite sean an ginger asshats hahah

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parents who host, lose the most! lol


but i agree...once you turn 21, and its no longer "oh shit we're not supposed to do this!", its just kinda "meh". i thought i'd be drinking every weekend, and that lasted about a month after i turned 21. i still like to go out with friends, but if i do its for like $1 beer nights somewhere, because otherwise drinking at a bar or restaurant gets expensive quick. jager bombs at applebees the other night were almost $8 each. i could buy a bottle and a couple packs of redbull for $40 and make a lot more than 5.


and just to one up your pic, heres what happens when a (found out after the fact) 17 year old does like 4 beer bongs in a row, and eats chipotle before coming over. he was the step-brother or something of a buddy, who was 19 then...never drank before...shit, he asked us to get them mikes hard lemonade.


but i saw him about to yak just standing there, told him to run down the hallway and pull a 180 into the bathroom...he made it about 2 steps, put a fist up to his mouth to cover it, and there was no return


yes, this is a wall, and yes, he managed to projectile it probably 7+ feet into the bedroom. he was standing where you see that leg/sandle in pic 2...some serious distance






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Fuck me, man! So, are any of you his friends? Who the hell let this lightweight consume that much alchohol?! I don't know, I've always kinda kept an eye on friends no matter how drunk I was. I know you can't always babysit someone however.
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