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Modern Warfare: Frozen Crossing - Part 2

Rally Pat

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I have a slight problem. I get to see my daughter every 2 weeks on the weekend(she lives with her mother) and I am having money issues. My ex-wife loaned me $40 to get my daughter something for her b-day and I really had no idea what to get. I asked her, Bonnie, what would you like Daddy to get you? She said "All I want is for you to be happy, Daddy."


Well I had $25 of my own money to spend and my ex- wife's $40 finally meant I had enough money to buy Modern Warfare 2(been wanting this game like crazy). I asked my daughter if she really meant want she said and she told me she wanted me to buy the game. Now I feel kind of bad. I ended up playing it all weekend while she just sat in her room.(no way would I let her watch this game.) I feel like I really should have done something with that money. Maybe I could have bought her a pretty dress or take her some place fun.


Do you think I should try to sell the game back? I'm thinking I should and then surprise her when she comes back in a couple weeks. I will admit I'm loving MW2, though. I am tempted to keep it.

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Lol I want those gun's!


The guns are just gas blowback airsoft rifles to give the look of real recoil, everything else is Adobe After Effects. The first film was made for only $200, and they made the second with $600.

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