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Another GTR vs Veyron video


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Can you say train lengths? The GT-R is sick!! How mad would you be that you spent over a mil on a veyron and a 75K (plus mods) GT-R puts than many lengths on you?


Did you watch the other 1/2 of the video ?


Veyron let out really really early. Different story when he stays in it.

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Did you watch the other 1/2 of the video ?


Veyron let out really really early. Different story when he stays in it.


I went back and watched the second half....


I would still be hacked off my million dollar car got beat by a 75K car.

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I went back and watched the second half....


I would still be hacked off my million dollar car got beat by a 75K car.


I can imagine you feeling that way from your current perspective and socioeconomic status. However, I'd imagine in reality that it is similar to being beaten by a completely built 700hp 1800lb civic in your Ferrari. In that, I doubt you'd really give a shit at the end of the day. :confused:


PS: On the 2nd run the GT-R only passes the Veyron once he gets out of it. Not denying the prowess of the GT-R in anyway. To even remotely hang with the Veyron from a roll is astounding.

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