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viral ear infection>anyone ever have one


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My wife has one. Spent 4-5 hours in the er last night. Over 2 hours just to get out of the waiting room. Yesterday we were at the a car show at karric sq in dublin and she was getting very dizzy,thought it was heat related. We got home and she was worse,could hardly walk and sick. Doctor said this is what it was,even took a ct head scan which turned out normal. I was a wreck, Its hard for me to go into a hospital anymore after what I went thru with my dad. Anyway he said it could take a few days to go away with the medicine prescribed but I have read where some people have it much longer. I stayed home from work today to make sure she was ok. She has been sleeping all day and I have been doing laundry and house work. Rough night for sure last night. Also came home to no power . Just curious if anyone here has known someone that went thru this.
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Most ear infections are viral. Taking antibiotics for the viral infection will work as well as taking tic tacs.


What I have found works well is Garlic oil due to its natural anti viral properties. This can be obtained from any health food store. Use 1-2 drops per hour through the day. Along with this food that are high in vitamin C should be consumed, again due to the antiviral properties (Citrus is good along with broccoli). Echinacea is also good for the immune system.

Avoid dairy like the plague. Milk products will increase the viscosity of the mucus and will lead to an inability of the fluid to clear through the eustachian tube, therefore promoting infection.


I will await Kirk saying I am unqualified to give advice and that he is Gods gift to your health.

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I had one earlier this year in both ears. It sucked really bad for the first 2-3 days, hurt like a mofo and it feels like you have the flu. Doctor gave me antibiotics and antivert to get rid of the vertigo. It felt like I had fluid in my ears for weeks after that, on top of ringing in my ears. I think it took atleast a month before I was back to 100% normal. The doctor also gave me eardrops for the pain, but I didnt want to use them because I didnt like the way it felt.
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Most ear infections are viral. Taking antibiotics for the viral infection will work as well as taking tic tacs.


What I have found works well is Garlic oil due to its natural anti viral properties. This can be obtained from any health food store. Use 1-2 drops per hour through the day. Along with this food that are high in vitamin C should be consumed, again due to the antiviral properties (Citrus is good along with broccoli). Echinacea is also good for the immune system.

Avoid dairy like the plague. Milk products will increase the viscosity of the mucus and will lead to an inability of the fluid to clear through the eustachian tube, therefore promoting infection.


I will await Kirk saying I am unqualified to give advice and that he is Gods gift to your health.


no antibiotics were prescribed. No pain in the ears. You said tic tacs ? interesting please explain. I know vitamin c is good for lots things. She is better now that she slept all day but still so off balance when she walks. only medicine that was prescribed was for dizziness and nausea.

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i think he was being sarcastic. but if im right, and rick is saying most ear infections are viral, and antibiotics dont work, i'd beg to differ. everytime i get one, some amoxicillin usually has me feeling better within 2 days max. works for me
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I had one earlier this year in both ears. It sucked really bad for the first 2-3 days, hurt like a mofo and it feels like you have the flu. Doctor gave me antibiotics and antivert to get rid of the vertigo. It felt like I had fluid in my ears for weeks after that, on top of ringing in my ears. I think it took atleast a month before I was back to 100% normal. The doctor also gave me eardrops for the pain, but I didnt want to use them because I didnt like the way it felt.


One month wow I can not amagine that. Tomorrow will be the real test to see how much improvement there is. I have had ringing in my one ear for a couple years and some sharp pain once in a while but the doctor saw damage in mine. Im sure running loud equipment for the last 20 years has not helped my situation.

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i think he was being sarcastic. but if im right, and rick is saying most ear infections are viral, and antibiotics dont work, i'd beg to differ. everytime i get one, some amoxicillin usually has me feeling better within 2 days max. works for me


tic tacs, i thought that was a little weird.

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no antibiotics were prescribed. No pain in the ears. You said tic tacs ? interesting please explain. I know vitamin c is good for lots things. She is better now that she slept all day but still so off balance when she walks. only medicine that was prescribed was for dizziness and nausea.


The Tic Tacs reference was sarcasm. Many studies have been done that prove Antibiotics do not work in most ear infections due to the majority being viral.

Sounds like you had a smart doc for not giving antibiotics. Many times the docs get sucked into a situation when the patient demands "something", the docs give in and write a scrip for amoxicillin. This will compound issues later in life due to an imbalance in good/bad bacteria.

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Yeah like stated antibiotics won't work for viral infections. They're for Bacterial infections. Guessing the doctor prescribed common antiviral meds. Make sure she follows the Rx directions to a T. That's the big problem with alot of people that keep getting them. They'll take the drugs till they start feeling better but not long enough to rid themselves of the virus so they have a good chance of getting sick later down the road again.
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