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UFC 116


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Heavyweight Championship bout: Brock Lesnar vs Shane Carwin


This could be a really epic fight. Both of these guys have hands that are WMD's, both are big guys, and both are quick for their size. Smart money is on Brock for the simple fact Carwin has really not had some of the tougher fights Lesnar has.


I am going with Brock but it will be closer than the experts predict


Middleweight bout: Yoshihiro Akiyama vs. Chris Leben


I hope to tuxedo shirt baby jesus that Leben knocks this fucker back to the land of bad TV. Akiyama was supposed to fight The Axe Murderer Silva but he got hurt. Leben agrees to this fight 48 HOURS AFTER his fight on the TUF final. Leben is like a white trash version of Silva an dif Akiyama looks past him he is going to get fuct.


I usually don't pick the guy who takes a fight on short notice but I am gong all USA on this one Leben wins this.


Welterweight bout: Chris Lytle vs. Matt Brown


I would like to pick the Ohio boy Matt Brown but Lyte is going to beat him up and take his lunch monies...


Light Heavyweight bout: Krzysztof Soszynski vs. Stephan Bonnar


Rematch because Bonnar was bleeding to much in their last fight due to a head butt. I am still going to pick Soszynski because he is a very nasty and angry polish man.

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I think the lesnar fight might end in a blood bath unless either fighter gets rocked in the first round and can not recover


If Carwin lets this fight go to the ground he is going to be in trouble. The only thing more terrifying than Brock Lesnar in your guard is being covered in Twinkies at a Jenny Craig meeting. Carwin really needs to use his stand up and try to pick Brock apart early then hope he can soften him up for that right. If he over commits that could be an even worse situation for him since he will have no defense to stop one of those lunch box hands that will be coming at his face.


I really think this is a very tough fight to predict due to all of the x-factors. It could be a very boring first round while the feel each other out, or it could look like to drunk chicks at the club fighting with hair and teeth flying in all directions while wild punches are thrown.


The thing that sticks out in my mind is Carwin’s fight against Gonzaga. He ate a punch, almost got knocked out and caught Gonzaga for the KO while he was in lala land. He can’t do that here, he eats a Brock knuckle sammich and he will be on the slow boat to KO town.

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Umm wow what a great heavyweight fight is all I can say. Anyone still doubting Lesnar as the best heavyweight in MMA? He got his ass whipped in the 1st round, only to bust out a triangle to win in the 2nd round. The best part was his smile towards Carwin before the 2nd round, basically saying "haha your done"
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whats funny, is i was talking to a guy at work, and i told him i thought it'd go past the 1st round, but carwin would be exhausted, and lesnar would take him down and rd 2 and he would go down by punches. i was pretty close
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Mmm idk about that, if your trying to say the fight was rigged I think your high. The first few blows were pretty severe but as the punches went they weren't really as brutal as the one before, so I think thats why the fight continued, I think the ref knew Lesnar was alright and didn't want to stop the fight early and risk costing Lesnar the title. I think the same thing would've been done had Lesnar had Carwin in that position. I honestly think they were going to let this thing go til either one of them KO'd the other or Submitted the other guy. There has been controversy regarding refs stopping fights too early so now they don't want to risk it.


Carwin not knocking Lesnar out cost Carwin the win plain and simple. Cawrin has 12 wins 7 of which were by KO, what does that tell you about Lesnars chin?


Did anyone else see how much bigger Brock was then Carwin lol, I thought Cawin was huge last time i watched him fight, but then I saw him facing up to Lesnar and thought "god damn Brocks still a freak"

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Mmm idk about that, if your trying to say the fight was rigged I think your high. The first few blows were pretty severe but as the punches went they weren't really as brutal as the one before, so I think thats why the fight continued, I think the ref knew Lesnar was alright and didn't want to stop the fight early and risk costing Lesnar the title. I think the same thing would've been done had Lesnar had Carwin in that position. I honestly think they were going to let this thing go til either one of them KO'd the other or Submitted the other guy. There has been controversy regarding refs stopping fights too early so now they don't want to risk it.


Carwin not knocking Lesnar out cost Carwin the win plain and simple. Cawrin has 12 wins 7 of which were by KO, what does that tell you about Lesnars chin?


Did anyone else see how much bigger Brock was then Carwin lol, I thought Cawin was huge last time i watched him fight, but then I saw him facing up to Lesnar and thought "god damn Brocks still a freak"


That was a great non stoppage for that fight. Brock was defending himself as he was moving from the bottom and throwing some shots. As he was laying there he was moving around to try and avoid shots, just not laying there eating them.


The fight of brock vs cain is going to be crazy! Cain can't punch as hard as Carwin but he does have better cardio.

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Yeah I really thought "oh shit Lesnar is going to lose", then I went to "oh shit Lesnar is going to win this thing" lol. I honestly do not see any current heavyweight in the world beating Lesnar, unless he makes a mistake like he did against Mir the first time. However I think he is lightyears ahead of where he was at that point in his career and wouldn't make a mistake like that again, so therefore I go back to him not being beat. The dude got hit by a guy who the experts said was the hardest hitting heavyweight out right now and took it like a champ. I mean really what heavyweight outside of Caine is there thats going to really give him a challenge, some say Nog but I don't agree with that even. His size, speed, power and ability to take a beating make him un-human lol
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it takes a little while to load(or it did for me anyways) but it's WELL worth the wait!



(not sure how embedding works here, so links will have to do)




like i put in the link, leben-akiyama = FIGHT OF THE YEAR!!! absolutely spectacular show put on by both fighters!!!

lesnar-carwin, wow, very surprising! surprised me that lesnar went down(his stand up REALLY sucks, lol), surprised me that he survived a couple minute absolutely brutal beating, and REALLY surprised me that, not only did he win by submission, but he gave up a full mount just to go for that sub! lesnar definitely needs more fights under his belt to build up some in ring experience(so he knows what the fuck to do when he's on his back and getting pounded!), and definitely needs some stand up work, but his ground game is beginning to look quite brutal! HUGE props to both lesnar and carwin! both great fighters and seem like great guys(especially after lesnar near death experience, lol).

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I am not saying it was rigged at all. but lesner is the face of the ufc right now and him losing like that would suck for the ufc. Getting rocked and running away then falling into a fetal position isn't defending himself. granted he recovered quickly and carwin made a huge mistake by cont to hit his massive forearms. all in all lesner deserved it. but imo carwin was the better fighter just with much less cardio......
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The leben fight was just unreal, it was like something out of that old me "the best of the best". Thad guy is like a freaking terminator he just going and going and going.


Here is the thing with Lesnar that is soooo scary, he just SUBMITTED someone. He had a chance to ground and pound him into the core of the earth but instead he went for the the sub.


His game is starting to evolve more and more, and the Cain fight is going to be very interesting. He will need to keep working on his stand up more and more.


Now here is a scary thought, what if he starts to throw leg kicks? I am talking about the kind you use to cripple a boxing based fighter's lead leg? Could you even imagine what it would be like getting hit with that like 4 times?


This is the reason I like Brock he is such a freak of nature and you have seen him change and be humbled after he almost died. I think Dana should do a M-1 co-promotion and let Brock feed on Faildor in Russia. How do you say "no mas" in russian....


Another subject is the Lebin possible Silva fight! That my friends will look like something out of a movie too.

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While Lebens win was impressive since it came just 14 days after winning another fight, I am not so quick to crown him king and say he would beat Silva. Silva is much like Brock in my eyes, it'll take some freak thing to beat him cause he is just that good.


He called out the axe murdere silva not anderson :)

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here you go guys, these links shouldn't go down...


Lesnar vs Carwin

not much to say that hasn't already been said


Akiyama vs Leben

fight of the night, possibly the year!


Sotiropoulos vs Pellegrino

pretty good fight, worth watching


Schaub vs Tuchscherer

very 'meh' fight. on a side note, schaub is a cocky bastard and needs a good KO. i guess you'll have that if your training with rashad evans though...


Lytle vs Brown

good fight, worth watching


Soszynski vs Bonnar

spectacular fight, only topped by Leben-Akiyama IMO


Petruzelli vs Romero

great back and forth battle!


Branch vs Harris

great fight, with an 'at the buzzer' KO. possibly KO of the year!



Fight bonuses:

Fight of the Night($75k each fighter) - Leben vs Akiyama - Soszynski vs Bonnar

KO of the Night($75k for the winner) - Branch vs Harris

Sub of the Night($75k for the winner) - Lesnar vs Carwin

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