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UFC 116


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I was at the bar watching last night and once brock took him down and wasn't being very effective in SC's gaurd i said to the guy next to me, he needs to break out some Ju jitsu. I am really suprised that he went for the triangle instead of pounding him out on the full mount, but it shows how much he is learning as a fighter.
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I was at the bar watching last night and once brock took him down and wasn't being very effective in SC's gaurd i said to the guy next to me, he needs to break out some Ju jitsu. I am really suprised that he went for the triangle instead of pounding him out on the full mount, but it shows how much he is learning as a fighter.


Brock Lesnar + Ju Jitsu = lost arm for someone at some point.

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the ju jitsu can take a back seat though, his stand up needs a LOT of work. he can obviously throw a punch, but he can't box for shit against someone his size.


Yes, he really needs to work on how to throw a punch. He is still throwing arm punches and very sloppy overall. Now he learns to really get his hips behind that right, and snap a jab that could be just nasty.


The thing about heavyweights is they are going to be the LEAST technically sound weight class. They are big bodies just in there banging around trying to knock each other out. Brock has the speed and quickness of a 185 pounder, and if he really learns to channel that there will be no one who can stop him.

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I read about how dana paid out for the official stuff but it sounds like everybody who laid it all out got something extra. That is what will really push the UFC to the top even more and get guys to really lay it all out there.


There is a rumor out there that there will start to be TUF in other countries. The UFC starts to funnel their brand like that and it could really take off and make a true world wide sport.

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