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Anyone else following this? Just wondering where you think everyone is going to end up at.


Lebron: Cleveland, but could be Miami/Chicago

Wade: Miami

Bosh: Miami, NJ or Chicago

Dirk: Dallas

Amare: Phoenix, NY or Miami

Carlos Boozer: Miami or NJ


Theres more but those are really the only guys that intrest me

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Haha really?


Boozer was in Cleveland before and hated it, thus the reason he went to Utah. I don't see Wade going to Chicago after taking shots at ownership about how "they don't name past players feel welcome".



On another note how the hell did Rudy Gay and Joe Johnson get maximum contracts worth 116 million dollars? Man pro athletes are over paid yet I still follow them haha

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its not that he didnt like it here, he was actually set to come back, but utah offered him more money


After the 2003–04 NBA season, the Cavaliers had the option of allowing him to become a restricted free agent, or keeping him under contract for one more year at a $695,000 salary. The Cavaliers claim to have reached an understanding with Boozer and his agent on a deal for approximately $39 million over 6 years, which he would sign if they let him out of his current deal.


Cleveland then proceeded to release him from his contract making him a Restricted Free Agent. During this period, a few teams were also interested in signing Boozer, and Utah ended up offering a 6 year $70 million dollar contract that Cleveland chose not to match, since it would take them well over the salary cap




Either way he isn't coming to Cleveland, they already have 4 PF's lol

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lebron will be back, plus chris bosh

amare is going to miami if he doesnt go to ny

wade wants amare or bosh

dirk is staying.

joe johnson wont turn the money down 119million wich is crazy for him.

knicks are fucked unless they get lbj, bosh and johnson

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amare and wade would be nasty. i have a feeling chris paul will be traded. the only way i see another good player coming to the cavs alongside lebron is in a lopsided trade. although i dont like the idea of lebron and bosh for some reason
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amare and wade would be nasty. i have a feeling chris paul will be traded. the only way i see another good player coming to the cavs alongside lebron is in a lopsided trade. although i dont like the idea of lebron and bosh for some reason




thats the best possible due for lebron. your crazy lol lbj needs the ball in his hands, bosh will be the key peice for the cavs to make it far in the playoffs.

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lebron stays plus they trade for paul

wade stays

bosh goes to miami

amrie goes to chicago


why would amare go to chicago??? unless j johnson goes to atl, then hell be back in either pheonix or cleveland. he wants to play with a big time player.

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Lebron stays in Cleveland

Wade stays in Miami

Dirk stays in Dallas

Bosh goes to NY

Boozer goes to Chicago

Amare goes to NY


LA repeats



So NY takes 2 PF's? Bosh and Amare are both PF's



lebron will be back, plus chris bosh

amare is going to miami if he doesnt go to ny

wade wants amare or bosh

dirk is staying.

joe johnson wont turn the money down 119million wich is crazy for him.

knicks are fucked unless they get lbj, bosh and johnson


How exactly is Bosh to Cleveland going to work? They have 4 PFs incluidng Jamison who they just traded for last year plus they are maxed in cap space once they resign lebron

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So NY takes 2 PF's? Bosh and Amare are both PF's





How exactly is Bosh to Cleveland going to work? They have 4 PFs incluidng Jamison who they just traded for last year plus they are maxed in cap space once they resign lebron



Glad you asked


Reports have it in as a sign and trade for hickson, 1st rnd pick and $. Varejo will be coming off the bech and jamison will be the pf. Bosh would like to play pf but with lebron running the show all you have to do is get sepration from your man and he will find you. If bosh goes to mia, kiss lebron good bye. He won't go back to cleveland with that team, no one can score, they are avg at best without him

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Glad you asked


Reports have it in as a sign and trade for hickson, 1st rnd pick and $. Varejo will be coming off the bech and jamison will be the pf. Bosh would like to play pf but with lebron running the show all you have to do is get sepration from your man and he will find you. If bosh goes to mia, kiss lebron good bye. He won't go back to cleveland with that team, no one can score, they are avg at best without him


Where'd you hear this at Phil? I have not seen this report, I'd like for it to be true though. And if Bosh goes to Miami kiss Lebron goodbye? Do you really think all 3 of them are going to goto Miami? I really don't see that happening, I was watching one of the shows on ESPN and it said that if that were to happen then Bosh would be paid more then Lebron and they think it would cause a riff because Lebron would be getting more heat then Bosh if they lost, but would look at Bosh thinking why isn't he getting all thie bs, he makes more then me. Idk its interesting to follow and makes for great debates I know that much lol.


The cavs are average without Lebron, however their backups damn near beat the Bulls starters twice this year lol. Here is how I look at the Lebron situation:


Goto Miami and play in DWades town, where if he wins the media will say its cause he has Wade, if he loses they'll say he's a bust cause he has Wade...


Goto NY and fail to win a championship in the first year or 2, the media will eat his ass alive. Not to mention the Knicks are fukcing terrible


Goto NJ see NY


Goto Chicago and live in Jordans shadow even more then he currently does. Also I feel the Bulls aren't even as good as the current Cavs team. I don't see the huge love afair with Joahkim Noah, i'll give you Derek Rose but thats it.


Stay in Cleveland where he is a god, loved and adored by the fans, media and whole state honestly. Cleveland can pay him the most money, they have bent over backwards for the guy bringing in every player that he wanted them to. Hell they just hired a coach who is everything he wanted in a coach. Leave and be hated worse then Jordan and Elway by Cleveland fans...


BTW just read something on Hickson that says he has gotten 18 traffic citations in 2 years and has 14points lol



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Where'd you hear this at Phil? I have not seen this report, I'd like for it to be true though. And if Bosh goes to Miami kiss Lebron goodbye? Do you really think all 3 of them are going to goto Miami? I really don't see that happening, I was watching one of the shows on ESPN and it said that if that were to happen then Bosh would be paid more then Lebron and they think it would cause a riff because Lebron would be getting more heat then Bosh if they lost, but would look at Bosh thinking why isn't he getting all thie bs, he makes more then me. Idk its interesting to follow and makes for great debates I know that much lol.


The cavs are average without Lebron, however their backups damn near beat the Bulls starters twice this year lol. Here is how I look at the Lebron situation:


Goto Miami and play in DWades town, where if he wins the media will say its cause he has Wade, if he loses they'll say he's a bust cause he has Wade...


Goto NY and fail to win a championship in the first year or 2, the media will eat his ass alive. Not to mention the Knicks are fukcing terrible


Goto NJ see NY


Goto Chicago and live in Jordans shadow even more then he currently does. Also I feel the Bulls aren't even as good as the current Cavs team. I don't see the huge love afair with Joahkim Noah, i'll give you Derek Rose but thats it.


Stay in Cleveland where he is a god, loved and adored by the fans, media and whole state honestly. Cleveland can pay him the most money, they have bent over backwards for the guy bringing in every player that he wanted them to. Hell they just hired a coach who is everything he wanted in a coach. Leave and be hated worse then Jordan and Elway by Cleveland fans...


BTW just read something on Hickson that says he has gotten 18 traffic citations in 2 years and has 14points lol






nba insider is logged into my phone at all times. some of these deals that are going down right now are retarded, darko millicek 5 yr 20 mil get the hell out of here hes a bum. joe johnson 119m lol wrong

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I can tell you Bosh wants to play with them both. That will not happen. Wade is not going anywhere. If Bosh goes to miami then amare will end up either in NY or even cleveland. Lebron wants to stay if they can piece in one person to the equation. Amare is the puzzle piece! That is there weak spot is PF. Vare-doodoo is hustle and rebounds. Some alright Defense. They need Amare and truthfully get Ray Allen if they can for a wing shooter for lebron slashing! Get delonte out of there and run with it!
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I can tell you Bosh wants to play with them both. That will not happen. Wade is not going anywhere. If Bosh goes to miami then amare will end up either in NY or even cleveland. Lebron wants to stay if they can piece in one person to the equation. Amare is the puzzle piece! That is there weak spot is PF. Vare-doodoo is hustle and rebounds. Some alright Defense. They need Amare and truthfully get Ray Allen if they can for a wing shooter for lebron slashing! Get delonte out of there and run with it!




just cuz hes knocking off his mommy? do you think delonte ever said " hey bron bron, call me daddy, or go to ur room sir, im your father??? :lol: i would.



miami could acquire all 3 if the egos were put to the side.

there roster as of monday is this


mario chalmbers and micheal beasley.


they have 2 flippin players, the most cap space and pat riley. role players are going to be a problem seeing as you would only have less than 20 million a yr to play with

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They had their shot at getting Amare and instead they went and got fucking Antwon Jamison who I am not a fan of. I cannot believe Darko got 20mil and Johnson 119mil lol. Those are dumbass deals especially considering Johnson will be 35 when his contract expires. Yeah Bosh wants to play with both, but want in one hand and shit in the other...I just don't see that happening. Miami would have to find 8 more guys who would play for league minimum basically.
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just cuz hes knocking off his mommy? do you think delonte ever said " hey bron bron, call me daddy, or go to ur room sir, im your father??? :lol: i would.



miami could acquire all 3 if the egos were put to the side.

there roster as of monday is this


mario chalmbers and micheal beasley.


they have 2 flippin players, the most cap space and pat riley. role players are going to be a problem seeing as you would only have less than 20 million a yr to play with


I am speaking more of he is a ticking time-bomb! Dude is just plain nuts period. Jamison will not fit in on the Scott style of play. Byron loves the physical post up PF that can step out and shoot. It will be 2 and 2. Question is where at. Miami is a destination for 2 but, the other 2? NY or NJ. Cleveland still holds the upper hand with the extra 30 mil they can give to LBJ. They will just have to make acouple trades!

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