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Ultrasound Results


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Well the wifey had her ultrasound today and we found out its a boy, due Dec 2nd. so that makes the final count 4 boys and 1 girl. He is a fighter. I watched him punching and kicking on the ultrasound when the nurse would push down. They also did a little of it in 3D. I could see his face. It was kinda creepy and cool at the same time. So out of the 4 kids we have now, all 4 are small time gearheads. They watch drag racing on tv and go to the track but they dont really live the life. Hopefully this one makes all of us over here look small time. I'm thinking Pro Mod or something :).
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Congrats, my little boy just turned 6 weeks old on wednesday, seems like yesterday I was looking at the ultra sound screen saying "boy he looks like a fighter" just like you. Got a name picked out? We went with Tyson Channing Moore



None yet. We were really planning on a girl. We are gonna do the name thing this weekend. Definitly going with an Old School OSU nursery theme though.

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Congrats man :D Our son just turned 7 weeks this past wednesday and I'm already kinda missing her being pregnant.. some of those first time/prebirth memories are awesome.


Kids are badass.

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congrats. like i say, im glad you're contributing to the baby population so i dont have to! lol


but my nephew is right at about 4 months. first niece/nephew ive ever had, and he's a blast. im just stoked for here in a couple years when i can take him fishing. the thing i love best about kids? i can give them back.

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congrats. like i say, im glad you're contributing to the baby population so i dont have to! lol


but my nephew is right at about 4 months. first niece/nephew ive ever had, and he's a blast. im just stoked for here in a couple years when i can take him fishing. the thing i love best about kids? i can give them back.



Felt like this when I was your age. Now my wife and I are 3 weeks from our first and I couldnt be more stoked!


Congrats to the OP!

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Felt like this when I was your age. Now my wife and I are 3 weeks from our first and I couldnt be more stoked!


Congrats to the OP!


its for some people, just not something ive had the desire for. i like kids, great with them, but i like giving them back even more. :)

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