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Bugatti reclaims top speed record!

russian rocket

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i don't hate it, it's an impressive machine. but, what is pretty cool is the AMERICANS were able to throw together a "kit car" (like you say) in a couple years that can complete with this super bad ass car with lots of history. Aren't you American? Cause I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I just give it up to ssc because they use a twin turbo pushrod old school v8 to make the power but bugatti uses a quad turbo v16... So the Bugatti Veyron & Super Sport use twice the motor and twice the number of turbos to make about the same amount of horsepower...


But I do think it is crazy how we not have competition for a company to make a production car capeable of almost 300MPH all with over 1100 horsepower from the factory. That is insane

I think you guys are missing the point of the Veryron. The Veyron does all of the above while also providing a world class interior with all the amenities, and is comfortable to just drive around town.


There are many MANY groups with cars in the 200-300mph range with half the budget of SSC. Just go to Speedweek. I'm sure there are even a few people on this very forum who can make a V8 hit 1200hp. But the trick is to hit these marks while providing the fit, finish, and comfort of the Veyron. THAT is an engineering and design milestone that won't likely be reached for a very long time, if ever.

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I think you guys are missing the point of the Veryron. The Veyron does all of the above while also providing a world class interior with all the amenities, and is comfortable to just drive around town.


There are many MANY groups with cars in the 200-300mph range with half the budget of SSC. Just go to Speedweek. I'm sure there are even a few people on this very forum who can make a V8 hit 1200hp. But the trick is to hit these marks while providing the fit, finish, and comfort of the Veyron. THAT is an engineering and design milestone that won't likely be reached for a very long time, if ever.


I was jsut saying I think it is sweet that ssc made a car like that using a common motor setup. How many people build quad turbo 16 cylinder engines??? But how many people just on this forum have or at one point had a twin turbo v8????


I put the ssc with the corvette in the fact that they were built for the performance not for the flash and comfort the bugatti. So with that being said I just feel with the ssc you get the performance you pay for but with the bugatti you are paying for performance dont get me wrong but you are paying for the name..

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Why are you even on this forum?



Sometimes while jacking off in the shower if I start going limp I stick the handle of a toothbrush up my butt about an inch to get hard again.


For the delightful insight such as above, which you provide on a daily basis.

Not everybody enjoys holding down an accelerator pedal for 13.xx seconds, and calling it racing. Thank god you have AAA, oh I mean Anthony to help whenever it decides to shit on you.


I plan to hit up a few track days this year which involve turning and braking in addition to accelerating. Hope to see you there!


PS: Hope you snap out of your mood swing soon.

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p.s. I was drunk last night


p.p.s. <3 u




<3 you to homo.






If you look at the top standing mile record is MUCH more impressive than that POS... That ford GT would run circles around that...






Seriously, I can't believe anybody would call the Veyron a POS. The sheer number of engineering hours that went into making a car that can do the things it can do SAFELY and comfortably are amazing.


There is a documentary out there on the making of the Veyron, I suggest you watch it, and maybe you will have more respect for it.

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If you look at the top standing mile record is MUCH more impressive than that POS... That ford GT would run circles around that...



That Ford GT didn't pass durability testing and doesn't come with a warranty.


I find it funny that people always want to put the SSC UA and tuner cars at the level of the Veyron. The Bugatti has an unfathomable number of engineering hours into it, as well as strict durability testing. It will make 1200 HP consistently, for many, many miles. It will click off sub 3.0 sec 0-60 runs over and over and all you have to do is change the fluids, fill it with gas, and keep tires on it. Sure, those tires cost $20k for a set, but they're specially wound Michelin's developed to survive sustained 250+ mph speeds.

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That Ford GT didn't pass durability testing and doesn't come with a warranty.


I find it funny that people always want to put the SSC UA and tuner cars at the level of the Veyron. The Bugatti has an unfathomable number of engineering hours into it, as well as strict durability testing. It will make 1200 HP consistently, for many, many miles. It will click off sub 3.0 sec 0-60 runs over and over and all you have to do is change the fluids, fill it with gas, and keep tires on it. Sure, those tires cost $20k for a set, but they're specially wound Michelin's developed to survive sustained 250+ mph speeds.


Holy Shit, somebody with a brain.


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I was jsut saying I think it is sweet that ssc made a car like that using a common motor setup. How many people build quad turbo 16 cylinder engines??? But how many people just on this forum have or at one point had a twin turbo v8????

But doesn't that make it all the more UNremarkable? We've seen 1000+hp dynographs from shops on this very forum. Look at You Tube, there's countless videos of 1000+ hp (supposedly) cars. But how many of them can drive down Sawmill on a busy day without making the driver sweat?


I put the ssc with the corvette in the fact that they were built for the performance not for the flash and comfort the bugatti. So with that being said I just feel with the ssc you get the performance you pay for but with the bugatti you are paying for performance dont get me wrong but you are paying for the name..


It's not just the name. There's the interior which rivals that of a Bentley, and the road behavior that lets you cruise around town comfortably. If we're just talking about paying for performance and not a name, then you don't want the SSC either. I'm sure there's a shop or two on this very forum that could build a 300mph, 1200hp car for less than you'd spend on an SSC Aero.


I'm not saying that it's easy to make a car to go this fast. What I'm saying is that in the realm of 250+mph cars, SSC isn't doing anything exceptional except being able to duplicate their effort a few times a year to sell to other people.


On the other hand, Bugatti is bringing something truly exceptional to the table. Lots of people have exceeded 200mph. Many have gone faster than 250mph. And quite a few have breached 300mph. But NO ONE has EVER done it with a car that's as civilized as the Veyron. It's a technological milestone.


A Top Fuel dragster makes both the Veyron and Aero look like pedal cars. But I don't think anyone would take it for a relaxing ride. And really, I don't think anyone would take the Aero for a relaxing drive either. And that's what separates the two in my opinion.


We'll probably just continue to disagree. I just don't see top straight-line speed at the cost of everything else as a big deal. It's just Power + Gearing - Drag.

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But doesn't that make it all the more UNremarkable? We've seen 1000+hp dynographs from shops on this very forum. Look at You Tube, there's countless videos of 1000+ hp (supposedly) cars. But how many of them can drive down Sawmill on a busy day without making the driver sweat?




It's not just the name. There's the interior which rivals that of a Bentley, and the road behavior that lets you cruise around town comfortably. If we're just talking about paying for performance and not a name, then you don't want the SSC either. I'm sure there's a shop or two on this very forum that could build a 300mph, 1200hp car for less than you'd spend on an SSC Aero.


I'm not saying that it's easy to make a car to go this fast. What I'm saying is that in the realm of 250+mph cars, SSC isn't doing anything exceptional except being able to duplicate their effort a few times a year to sell to other people.


On the other hand, Bugatti is bringing something truly exceptional to the table. Lots of people have exceeded 200mph. Many have gone faster than 250mph. And quite a few have breached 300mph. But NO ONE has EVER done it with a car that's as civilized as the Veyron. It's a technological milestone.


A Top Fuel dragster makes both the Veyron and Aero look like pedal cars. But I don't think anyone would take it for a relaxing ride. And really, I don't think anyone would take the Aero for a relaxing drive either. And that's what separates the two in my opinion.


We'll probably just continue to disagree. I just don't see top straight-line speed at the cost of everything else as a big deal. It's just Power + Gearing - Drag.


Very well seaid, Veyron is the ultimate car.

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Anyone in here calling a Veryon a "POS", I want to see pics of your Daily Driver immediately. I'm handing out bans for stupidity in this thread. Let's see them. Who's first?


veyrons are huge pieces of shit.

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Interview with the test driver.



How does the Veyron Supersports compare to other speed-record production cars?


People try to compare cars, to say, well this car is faster, more powerful, more something. The thing which is very different in Bugatti is that we’re trying to make things working together which are not supposed to work together. Which is to say, the fastest car in the world that can stay seven hours in traffic in first gear. Normally it doesn’t work together. And the same from the design of the car. Is this design made to go 268 mph? Yes, it’s going, but basically if you start from a blank piece of paper and you say I want to make a car going the fastest speed in the world, basically you will not choose this design. The design came first, and they had to give it to the engineer, who had to work around the design without touching it. That’s the story of the Veyron. And it is this combination that’s making a lot of engineering work, because you’re trying to achieve long life, quality, speed, luxury, easy to drive; you want to get everything and normally nobody can get everything. If you try to get all these things in the same car, it’s incredible. The Supersport will be a three-years’ warranty car. So it’s not like you buy a car then, ok, you use it and after one day everything is destroyed. And that’s where the engineering process is difficult and expensive.


With the Supersport the engineer said we need the design to follow our request in engineering – more power, more speed more torque – and the designer followed the engineering request in terms of downforce, cooling [e.g., those beautiful NACA ducts on top – ed] and those kinds of things, and they made the car. So it was a little bit of a reverse process than the Veyron.


The target for the engineers was to make a Veyron with more power, more speed, more torque. It’s a completely different exercise than if you say, ok I want to achieve just the world record, and you build a car with all the aerodynamics and the thinking in this kind of direction. The Veyron is an everyday car which you can drive as easily in traffic in first gear as on the other side, which you can go 268 miles per hour. With that car, with that engine, with that gearbox we did like 30 preparation runs around 260 miles per hour just to be sure. And this car will continue to be used as a test car. And I was saying to the [engineer] ‘But I will not get a new gearbox? A new engine?’ I would have preferred starting with something completely fresh, completely out of the box. But it is not a problem.


It’s the same thing with the tires. These are the series tires. [Michelin PAX run-flats, 245/690 R 520 (front), 365/710 R 540 (rear) – ed] When you’re doing this type of extreme speed, the life of the tire is very short, not just in terms of wear but in terms of structure. And the day before I did maybe five runs, and the next day, I had to use the same tires. And I was saying, ‘don’t you feel that we have to change tires?’ And the engineer said, no, we know we have some spare in the life of the tires, so we don’t need to change tires. For me, that was incredible, but also very, very stressful.

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