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The differences between this thread on this website and on Cleveland Racing are pretty amazing. First of all, for everyone saying he did it because Miami is a cooler city than Cleveland, you also would have to agree that LBJ is a liar for saying it's about the game not the city.


Secondly, the second person to blame in all of this is Chris Bosh. Had he have gotten over himself and came to play in Cleveland, we would have LBJ right now and I'd bet anything that we'd have a title in the next 3 years. But because Bosh had to go to Miami, LBJ had to be a bitch and follow him there because he wanted to be with his friends instead of winning a title for the city he was so "loyal" to.


Worst part is how this will affect the economy in Cleveland. It's not hard to see how this is going to add to the downfall of the Cleveland area, which affects those beyond sports fans. I can see why his family and friends didn't come with him to his egotistical bullshit fest on ESPN in Greenwich. A lot of stories said those closest to him wanted him to stay in Ohio, and I'd have to agree with them.


I don't know what to think about Gilbert saying that we will have a title before the Heat, but everything else he wrote in that letter was absolutely true. Points to him for saying what he felt. You can call it unprofessional, but I love the fact that he was honest and didn't try to hide behind an unemotional facade. You know that letter wasn't even the first draft, probably some kind of compromise between him and his PR team.


And one more thing: he just went from being the next Michael Jordan to the next Pippen.

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He was never going to be the next jordan. 2 different games completly. Lebron is not and will not be mj. Kobe is the closest ull ever get to it. Get the fuck over it. Lebron is a slasher and distributer, mj was a shooter and a killer. Kobe is the same way. If ur city was built entirely on lbj then sadley u deserve to crumble, I find it amazing that we judge someone on championships then bash them wen he makes the best possible choice to win it. Evolution in the nba is u need a stacked team to win now. It ain't the 80s where u had 1 2 maybe 3 good teams, now u have 5 to 6 ligit contenders. He didn't turn his back on cleveland, its a buisness move on and lose somemore or trade everyone like boston til u get a good team. I feel the worse for byron scott, he's fucked with a less than avg roster.
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All I heard was last night was no State sales tax think about that over the next 6 years with his endorsement money. He made a good decision. I hope he gets his ring. And that statement form Dan, what a loser. He has to be the new Marion Berry, he must be licking the crack pipe. James was the Cavaliers, that is why it hurts fans so much to see him go. Just admit it.
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Championship chasers just seem to fail more than they succeed. The only reason I watched the NBA is because of LeBron. I'm out now.


Couple of thoughts: What happens WHEN (not if) one of the "big 3" goes down to an injury. Wade has shoulder issues, LeBron's elbow, Bosh's Face :) They all have entered an age bracket where there bodies will start to show signs of breaking down.


Phil, you are right. It is a biz. UD understands this too. He appears to be a coveted guy so why would he take a big pay cut to play with the Big Egos?


Kg, Pierce and Allen were all at a much more mature point of their careers when they teamed up. I just dont think there are enough basketballs for these current guys.


I think they end up like Clev with 3 close to maxed out contracts and no flexibility to add vital pieces.


I think its also going to be funny for Lebron if he wins a ring to always know D-wade has one more:)

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Oh wait

Da sean butler from west virgina- nasty will be the starting pg

Dexter pittman from texas- nasty.

Jamal magloire and haslem will be back. They can fill the roster plenty of players wil play for a ring. No matter what there's a bigger market in bejing and the only way to tap that is win rings. Ask kobe. His biggest check is over seas. Hate all you want, there was no way to win in cleveland. They did a decent job putting sub par players around him but no true help. Dan gilbert needs to grow up and look for a way to make the playoffs in the next 10 yrs.


Phil, Butler is a SF not a PG. Dexter Pittman is not "nasty" and will get his ass ate alive by Dwight Howard and other centers. 10points and 5.5 rebounds in college does not equal "nasty"


"Sub par players"? Really? Lebron was basically the headcoach/gm, he was able to sign off on any deal they made, any player they signed. He wanted a dominant big man, they bring in his buddy Shaq, he wanted a good PG, they bring in Mo Williams, he wanted a good PF they bring in Jamison. He wanted a headcoach that was a former player, they bring in Scott..funny people say Cleveland had subpar players, well heres a news flash, outside of the big3 the heat don't even have subpar players.


If it was about winning titles Lebron would've went to Chicago. The Bulls have a much better roster then Miami. Especially now that they added Boozer, who Lebron wanted in Cleveland.


Oh and more proof that he is only going to Miami to take away from him being "the queen", "now i dont have to score 30points a game and I love it", what superstar have you ever heard say that? Most superstars want the ball in their hands all the time and as a self pronounced King with a kingsize ego you'd think he'd want the ball.


I still say this is an Arod type move, where he can put the blame on others if the Heat don't win a title. The Yankees are a fucking all star team yet they have only won 1 title in the last 10 years. I can't wait to see what happens when the Heat fail to win a title this year, next year and the year after.

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Yeah, the rookies the Heat have are 2nd rounders from a draft that was pretty dried up even before the lottery picks were gone. I believe Butler has a torn ACL from the tourney? Pittman didn't do anything in college.
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I hope Dan Gilbert gets a good team together... I really do. Lebron couldn't do it alone, maybe they learned a lesson on that one.


And he's right.... that karma will follow Lebron. Cleveland gave him every chance to win it all, every opportunity. To say he wants to go to Miami to win, is bullshit.


Sell out.. once again.

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All I heard was last night was no State sales tax think about that over the next 6 years with his endorsement money. He made a good decision. I hope he gets his ring. And that statement form Dan, what a loser. He has to be the new Marion Berry, he must be licking the crack pipe. James was the Cavaliers, that is why it hurts fans so much to see him go. Just admit it.


Haha... yea I would hope he gets a ring too, he really has no excuse now. When they end up not winning one it will be seen as a huge failure. It's easy to see through it though, he had to go to a team with a star player who already has a ring because he realized he can't be that star player himself.

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I know nothing about the NBA.. but how can the Cavs owner guarantee a championship (before lebron gets one)?


Isn't that sort of wacky talk?


Nothing "sort of" about it. It's 100% wacky talk. Cleveland might be able to break 40 wins next season because of the extra motivation to "show" Lebron he made a mistake. But it will go downhill from there and they will eventually be back to 20-win seasons and 8k people at the Q.

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What is this karma? Did hit physically destroy cleveland? Nooooooo he didn't steal anything, karma shows he will do great things in miami. 7 yrs of highlights, winnging, and reviving that shithole up north. They made almost tripple the net worth with. Him being there. But your all right he's an arrogent asshole for going to miami, taking a massive pay cut, humbling himslef for the greater of the game, and going for the ultimate goal. The ring. Wen gilbert speaks he speaks with emotions, not knowing how he is going to get hundreds of milions now. That team has 0 chance of making the playoffs next yr. Chris paul will not be in cleveland, no one is coming there. Delonte and the scooter is the face of the cavs. 30 win seasons from here on out. Feel bad for byron scott, not dan gilbert
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What is this karma? Did hit physically destroy cleveland? Nooooooo he didn't steal anything, karma shows he will do great things in miami. 7 yrs of highlights, winnging, and reviving that shithole up north. They made almost tripple the net worth with. Him being there. But your all right he's an arrogent asshole for going to miami, taking a massive pay cut, humbling himslef for the greater of the game, and going for the ultimate goal. The ring. Wen gilbert speaks he speaks with emotions, not knowing how he is going to get hundreds of milions now. That team has 0 chance of making the playoffs next yr. Chris paul will not be in cleveland, no one is coming there. Delonte and the scooter is the face of the cavs. 30 win seasons from here on out. Feel bad for byron scott, not dan gilbert


was listening to ESPN radio today and they classify people like you as a Jock Sniffer and not a sports fan! Jock Sniffer: someone who doesn't have a favorite team only likes players, Sports Fan: has a team they root for, and shows emotion when team looses or players leave, Cleveland fans have every right to be upset, that's something you Jock Sniffers don't understand, all you have to say is "its a business, he did the right thing, blah blah blah I will say it again Miami will not get 3 rings, 1 if they're lucky and that's a big IF

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u win championships in the NBA with BIG MEN! Miami HAS NO CENTER, I am guess Bosh plays PF and he is pretty soft with ball skills. but, they need some defense, hard nose center. they have nothing. poor Cleveland. :(



i am over basketball anyway... GO BENGALS! WHO DEY? Anyone?

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Derek Fisher is reportedly going to meet with the Heat, and there is talk that Lebron might play the Point position. Also rumor floating around about Shaq going back to southbeach, guess he'll finally win a ring for the king on that all star team. I wonder what happens when 1 of them gets hurt? Look what happened to Boston when KG got hurt last year, they weren't the same team as they were this year. What happens next year when the Heat fail to win a ring, or the year after, every time they lose a regular season game they will be grilled.
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