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Working for a company that keeps messing up pay

Rally Pat

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I recently got a job as a contractor for one company, working at another. As such, the contracting company is who gives me my pay. For the past 4 weeks I have been employed at this company, they have screwed up my pay. Every week. We are supposed to be paid every Thursday. This week was the first week they were supposed to start putting the money in my account, direct deposit. It is now Friday evening, and the money is not in there, and I have not recieved a check in the mail like the pay for the 3 weeks before (Btw, they screwed up the first two, and had to get paid for 3 weeks on the last week). I am thankful to be employed, but whats the point of working if I don't get paid for it? I was wondering if there was anything I could do beside sending a friendly email to the company every time they mess up like I have been?
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I don't want to sound like I am not grateful for having a job, I am very grateful, but the point of working is to earn money. This is no reflection on the company I am contracted out to, they are great and seemingly have their shit together.
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What is with you and employment?




Part of the reason I think I am having so much difficulty with this company is that I was interviewed and told I was hired by the company I am contracted out to, who then handed me off to this company to handle my pay and benefits.

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Part of the reason I think I am having so much difficulty with this company is that I was interviewed and told I was hired by the company I am contracted out to, who then handed me off to this company to handle my pay and benefits.


Yeah, that is becoming more and more common nowadays. :(

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Get on the phone every day until you get your money. I can't stand people that don't pay.


I would be on the phone right now if I could, but their schedule is M-Th, 8-6, and F 8-5. Which is stupid, considering that having my money and not giving it to me effects more than just what number shows on my account statement, its another out-of-my-control set back for the project.

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I'm sure that company wants you to do your job promptly and without error. It is *NOT* unreasonable for you to expect the same from them. If they cannot handle their responsibilities as an employer, you should feel free to seek one that can. Inform them that they need to improve their performance, or you will terminate their employment contract with you.
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Go to the Department of Labor.....That will light a fire under their asses! I work in health insurance. More importantly, in the COBRA department. When a member states that they called the dol, not more than 24 hours pass and the info from the employer group is updated! Companies hate that early morning DOL phone call!!! http://www.dol.gov
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