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Mr. Green LS1 Datsun


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No problem jimmy,


a penis.

See more words meaning: penis


I feel the need to help the mentally challenged of the world. Just like watching the Special Olympics competitors give it there all, I know in my heart you have given it your best effort. In your own little world, you are the best, and your damn proud of it.


By the way if you would like to step out into the real world and see a real LS1 RX7 that can go over speed bumps ,as well as make your little black piece of shit look like the tin plated turd that it is, come on down. If I feel like wasting any more of my time we really will see who is god and who is jimmy


a penis.

See more words meaning: penis (blackmess, LS1 A4 FD, )

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We all get your point Your car>my car. MY CAR SHOULD BE BETTER!


Thanks for your input and we look forward to hearing from you again in 2 years!


Just so who you know who you are talking to, CDK is the guy who actually designed the subframe to get ls1's into FD and Fc. So I think he knows what he is talking about. I would take anything advice he gave you and do it cause he does know what he is talking about.

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Just so who you know who you are talking to, CDK is the guy who actually designed the subframe to get ls1's into FD and Fc. So I think he knows what he is talking about. I would take anything advice he gave you and do it cause he does know what he is talking about.

Jimmy, it sounds like your buddy is a super douche bag that wanted to start something. Just accept that your "bro" twisted everything that was said and give it up.


So much childish bitching goes on around here. Maybe for the next meet everyone can bring a pint of Häagen-Dazs over to your house, watch The View, and cry about everything.

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did I miss something?




1. Blackmess was upset because someone hated on his car

2. CDK was tough initially, then just kept making dick jokes (which i like)

3. Apparently i am gay, with the clap, but my wife is hot

4. halfway down page two things fell apart

5. this thread tanked like getting caught lipsyncing

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