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Droid X...

V8 Beast

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Its better. I'm on my original droid that I thought was awesome and now it feels outdated. I'm pissed that my corporate line isn't eligible to upgrade for 8 months. Anyone want to let me have their upgrasde?



Interesting. I at at 13 Months, and want a Droid....



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I WILL take your upgrade. Give me the last 4 of your social and I'll use your upgrade to get a phone for myself :D


Come on now.....


I hook you up with your phone (basically no contract for yourself). And what would I get? A thank you?




Give me your Driod, and you can use my New Every 2 to get what you want (you pay for the phone).





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Come on now.....


I hook you up with your phone (basically no contract for yourself). And what would I get? A thank you?




Give me your Driod, and you can use my New Every 2 to get what you want (you pay for the phone).






I may take you up on that!

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still waiting on my incredible i ordered 6/29...ugh


Your not getting that shit until the end of July. Cancel it and get a Droid X. HTC is so busy making the "worlds best phone" for 3 different companies to be able to keep up.

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So what have you heard about the new lines of phones from Samsung. The Galaxy S series? Super Amoled display, 3-D support?



These phones are going to be tits.


I'm getting the captivate when it comes out on the 18th. Only thing it's missing I wish it had was a front facing camera.


The HTC Gold for AT&T will also be another great android phone.

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Your not getting that shit until the end of July. Cancel it and get a Droid X. HTC is so busy making the "worlds best phone" for 3 different companies to be able to keep up.


i know im not, but oh well.


would be nice if i had an inside connection at verizon that could bump it up for me ;)

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