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Fuck Parkinsons


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So my Dad has Parkinsons for the past 5 or so years. He's been on medication from the VA for this and that. He's slowly deteriorating.


Mom took him to the hospital yesterday for (get this), his heart rate was beating 150 per minute, blood pressure was 247/120. He was shaking really bad (his hand normally doesn't shake that bad.. not like MJ fox or what not).


His motor skills are going to crap. His mind is going too. It just sucks to see him like this. He was in the hospital 6-7 months ago for LOW blood pressure and low heart rate. Now it's sky rocketed.


Fuck! why can't people just die of old age instead of this agonizing shit! My grandma is going to be 90 on Thursday, smokes Pall Mall Non filters since she was 20 and has never missed a beat.



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Prescription Drugs.




Best of luck with the family.


Weed is a hellova drug.






I'm not sure all the stuff he's on. I know there's stuff for his blood pressure, hand shakes and such. I saw/read a while ago that people with parkinsons should exercise a lot and it slows the rate at which it it progresses. He's never been one for exercise. Likes Golf but that's not the same as riding a bike or a treadmill.


People wonder why I'm 34 and have a shitload of gray hair..

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